I'm trying to program a custom NRF52833 board with the blinky example from zephyr (NCS 2.4.2, VS Code).
After flashing, the program freezes most of the time (I say most, cause It happend 2 times, when I connect the RTT that it runs).
The problem is afterwards, that I cannot reflash it, It somehow bricks itself.
I tried it with nrfjprog and I'm getting the following errors:
nrf52 --eraseall --log [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 174 milliseconds with result -102 [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 75 milliseconds with result -102 Failed to read device memories.[error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.
[2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] nrfjprog -f nrf52 --eraseall --log [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.22.1 external [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - open [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - start [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence ac1bcb07-6339-4ca8-808f-c7ccf230daff. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - open [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - just_check_family [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLink_x64.dll. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 55 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - config [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.80.c loaded. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - config [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - enum_emu_con_info [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Sep 21 2022 09:57:39 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Sep 21 2022 09:57:39 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - Hardware: V1.00 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - S/N: 683913780 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - OEM: SEGGER [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - USB speed mode: High speed (480 MBit/s) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19080) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19081) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19082) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19083) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19084) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19085 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 25.248ms returns "O.K." [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...). [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...). [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...). [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.026ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 2.678ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeedInfo() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - 10000000 Hz / n, n >= 10 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.026ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 1000kHz [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Requested speed 2000kHz is higher than the emulator max speed of 1000kHz [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.316ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeed() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.005ms returns 1000 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - SWD speed was reported as 1000kHz after requesting 2000kHz. Check the capabilities of the selected emulator. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSN() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 683913780 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.005ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_device_family [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 47 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 62 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - read_device_info [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.013ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.006ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_device_info [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_read_device_version [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_readback_status [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.525ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 100.617ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.825ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.547ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.448ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.458ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.685ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.427ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.238ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.520ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.202ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.693ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.828ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.791ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.317ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.472ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.761ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.158ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.049ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.436ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.279ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.778ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.760ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.610ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.460ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.718ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.839ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.507ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.109ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.272ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.116ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.131ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.371ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.878ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.675ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.458ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.656ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.531ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 174 milliseconds with result -102 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [warning] Failed to read device info. Attempting to complete command anyways. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.283ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.204ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.702ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.736ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.668ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.204ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.138ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ Client] - read_memory_descriptors [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_device_info executed for 168 milliseconds with result -102 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_memory_descriptors [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.020ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_read_memory_descriptors [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_readback_status [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.191ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.441ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.523ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.511ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.176ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.347ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.247ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.127ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.205ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.365ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.702ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.350ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.601ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.233ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.494ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.152ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.414ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.520ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.509ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.687ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.779ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.048ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.516ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.387ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.180ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.485ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:27] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.470ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.441ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 75 milliseconds with result -102 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.320ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.083ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.151ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.340ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.201ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.304ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.280ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.144ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.502ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.201ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.495ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.240ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.426ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.191ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.136ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 61 milliseconds with result -102 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ nRF52] - close [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.029ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.010ms returns FALSE [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.253ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.812ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.295ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.327ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.104ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.165ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.246ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.170ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.019ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.275ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.740ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.822ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.476ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.326ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.713ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.031ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.200ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.546ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.394ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.124ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.093ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.109ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.118ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.014ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.219ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.062ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.252ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.244ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.187ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.022ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.957ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.955ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.003ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.865ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.086ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.847ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.018ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.960ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.975ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.978ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.063ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.973ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Ignore exception An unknown error. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.072ms [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Close() [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed. [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 90 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 107 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ Client] - terminate [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 9 commands for 377 milliseconds [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 9 commands for 503 milliseconds [2023-Oct-18 12:51:28] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --recover --log Recovering device. This operation might take 30s. [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -21: Command recover executed for 171 milliseconds with result -21 [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. ERROR: Recover failed. Please make sure that the correct device family is given ERROR: and try again.
[2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [debug] nrfjprog -f NRF52 --recover --log [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.22.1 external [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:18] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - open [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - start [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence bf0f7f5f-1ef5-4151-9697-ff50d80efb19. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 58 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - config [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - open [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - just_check_family [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLink_x64.dll. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.80.c loaded. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - config [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 5 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - enum_emu_con_info [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Sep 21 2022 09:57:39 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Sep 21 2022 09:57:39 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - Hardware: V1.00 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 62 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - S/N: 683913780 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - OEM: SEGGER [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - USB speed mode: High speed (480 MBit/s) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19080) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19081) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19082) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19083) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Failed to put socket into listener state (port 19084) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19085 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 31.170ms returns "O.K." [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...). [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...). [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...). [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.023ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 3.194ms returns 0x00 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeedInfo() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - 10000000 Hz / n, n >= 10 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.018ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 1000kHz [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Requested speed 2000kHz is higher than the emulator max speed of 1000kHz [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.368ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeed() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 1000 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - SWD speed was reported as 1000kHz after requesting 2000kHz. Check the capabilities of the selected emulator. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetSN() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 683913780 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.005ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_device_family [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 52 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - recover [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.012ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_connected_emu_snr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.007ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - recover [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.009ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_recover [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.661ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 101.626ms returns 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.387ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.478ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.676ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.991ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.044ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.186ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.967ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.051ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.376ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.028ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.097ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.403ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.966ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.923ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.074ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.728ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.329ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.157ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.179ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.622ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.347ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.553ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.978ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.316ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.344ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.048ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.082ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.824ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.026ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.762ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.314ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.432ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.365ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.416ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.400ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.013ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.248ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.279ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.408ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -21: Command recover executed for 171 milliseconds with result -21 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.169ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.209ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.054ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.117ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command recover executed for 158 milliseconds with result -21 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - close [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.019ms returns 0x01 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Lock() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.009ms returns FALSE [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.219ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.860ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.273ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.238ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.151ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.118ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.583ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.990ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.535ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.263ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.282ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.150ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.526ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.120ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.081ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.366ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.176ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.374ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.436ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.615ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.357ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.220ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.510ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.215ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.210ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.346ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.524ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.456ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.313ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.261ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.268ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.206ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.503ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.653ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.388ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.509ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.167ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.545ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.096ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.500ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.224ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F) [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 1.514ms returns -1 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_HasError() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Ignore exception An unknown error. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - - 0.111ms [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ JLink] - JLINK_Close() [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed. [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 122 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 139 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - terminate [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 8 commands for 343 milliseconds [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0 [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 8 commands for 475 milliseconds [2023-Oct-18 13:17:19] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
If I run "nrfjprog -f NRF52 --recover" and turn on the device at the same time, the recovery works. But it takes a few tries to get the right timing. But then, after one flash it's gone.
I'm sure it has something to do with the configuration and the zephyr - blinky example. I have a old nrf5 SDK program which runs fine on the board.
As JLINK I'm using a NRF52840DK