Hello, I have two DK boards which seem to be bricked. I have tried to reset them to factory settings by "nrfjprog --recover --coprocessor CP_NETWORK" and then "nrfjprog --recover", but with no real use. They only seem to to the job because these messages appear when trying to flash the esb_ptx / esb_prx sample (which both only use the networking coprocessor)
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command erase_file executed for 190 milliseconds with result -102
[error] [ nRF53] - Failed while performing 'Erase' operation on target address 0x00000000.
-102: JLinkARM.dll WriteU32 returned error -1.
[error] [ nRF53] - Failed while erasing device. -102: JLinkARM.dll WriteU32 returned error -1.
[error] [ Worker] - JLinkARM.dll WriteU32 returned error -1.
ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.
or sometimes these messages
the NET CPU seems to be in a secured mode which I cannot get out of even if I try to use the Programmer inside nRF Connect for Desktop to Erase All the contents of the MCUS.
I would like to add that the samples that use both cores simultaneously, such as "peripheral_hr" and "mesh" seem to be flashing all right on the DKs.
Is there any other way in which I could try to unlock the NET CPU?