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Pairing with iOS


I am having a BLE peripheral on NRF51822 chip. I have set to MITM to 0. I want to communicate with an iOS app which will act as central device. When i first connect with the iOS app it asks "Whether you want to pair or not". I then click on pair and the devices get paired. After that i disconnect the BLE connection. Now when i again try to connect it doesnt ask for pairing. I want to ask for pairing everytime i connect and disconnect. How can i do this? Do i need to make changes on the peripheral side or Central side? And also if you can please help us with the changes that need to be made.


  • Why do you want to do this? Unfortunately, from iOS9.x you have to bond with iOS. For some reason they decided not to support pairing anymore (at least not with iOS9.1). Unfortunately this means you have to manually delete the bond data on both your peripheral and central if you want to create a new bond.

  • As per the profile specification a Glucose Sensor shall bond with the collector. You can delete a device by using dm_device_delete. However the iOS device will still have it's keys so you have delete them manually from the bluetooth menu. Note that if you don't follow the profile specification you are not compliant with the bluetooth specification, and you might risk violating IP.

    Antonio: Yes, pairing is part of the bonding process and is supported as part of the this process. Creating a bond is called pairing in iOS, so this can be a bit confusing. So when I say that pairing is not longer supported in iOS 9.x I mean to say that it isn't possible to pair without storing the keys for subsequent connections, i.e. bonding.

  • As per the profile specification a Glucose Sensor shall bond with the collector. You can delete a device by using dm_device_delete. However the iOS device will still have it's keys so you have delete them manually from the bluetooth menu. Note that if you don't follow the profile specification you are not compliant with the bluetooth specification, and you might risk violating IP.

    Antonio: Yes, pairing is part of the bonding process and is supported as part of the this process. Creating a bond is called pairing in iOS, so this can be a bit confusing. So when I say that pairing is not longer supported in iOS 9.x I mean to say that it isn't possible to pair without storing the keys for subsequent connections, i.e. bonding.

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