Please help me generate a test .bin


I'm sorry to bring this topic here, but I need help.
I am a student and I am starting my adventure with the nRF52832 system.

I am trying to program nRF52832 via ST-Link programmer and OpenOCD. The programming appears to be working, but the nRF52832 is not reacts in any way.

Can I ask someone to create an example program for nRF52832 in their SDK that will change the state on the P0.30 pin every 1 second? Something like a flashing LED. Then about generating a .bin file and sharing that file? I would try to program nRF52832 with this file to check whether programming via ST-Link works properly.
If my nRF52832 after programming starts flashing the diode connected to P0.30, it means that the programming is working and the nRF52832 itself is functional.

I would be very grateful for your help.
