I want to use my own compiled bootloader for serial port single slot upgrade in NCS, and I burned the mbr_nrf52_2.4.1_mbr.hex, if I don't burn softdevice, how can the program jump to the bootloader?
I want to use my own compiled bootloader for serial port single slot upgrade in NCS, and I burned the mbr_nrf52_2.4.1_mbr.hex, if I don't burn softdevice, how can the program jump to the bootloader?
NCS uses the mcuboot as a bootloader. Here are some examples for serial port single slot upgrades in NCS https://github.com/hellesvik-nordic/samples_for_nrf_connect_sdk/tree/main/bootloader_samples/serial_recovery
Amanda H.
Should this be changed to a single partition?
Should this be changed to a single partition?
That example already enables single solt. https://github.com/hellesvik-nordic/samples_for_nrf_connect_sdk/blob/main/bootloader_samples/serial_recovery/mcuboot_serial_recovery_uart/child_image/mcuboot.conf#L2
It doesn't need to modify the partition.
-Amanda H.
Ok,thank you.