Exception handler and others in debug - VS code


I'm trying to understand debugging in VSCode. I have a simple application with 2 threads (Zephyr). Sometimes it happens that my application seems to stop running. In the call stack, I see among other things an Exception Handler as shown in the attached image. Does this mean that some error occurred during the execution of the code, or what is it about?

I call k_uptime_get(); in ISR function from esb_evt_irq_handler - Callback when some data are received via RF. Could it be that problem?

Thank you very much for more information.


Maybe it seems like this is happening onlny in Debug mode with some breakpoints. e.g. now I put breakpoint to ISR handler and I stepped it, when I entered line with some memcpy(...), so the code couldn't step further - then program get stucked - you can see the image.. Any idea what is going on?

From stack it seems some interrupt (probably SW timer) occured during memcpy operation and this is the problem? If yes, why does it matter?

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