nRF52832 [NRF52832-CIAA-Rx] Discontinued / EOL Query


We are developing an ultra-small application using NRF52832-CIAA-Rx (the BGA footprint). Attached is the sample dev board we made.

However, in the process of manufacturing we were informed the NRF52832-CIAA-Rx --- we used NRF52832-CIAA-R7 --- are discontinued.

Is this true, or the supplier --- we used LCSC --- and manufactured with JLCPCB --- are mistaken and/or they are internally discontinuing while Nordic has not EOL-ed that footprint?

This footprint is awesome as you could see it allows us to build ultra-small full-featured designs (with DC/DC, external ultra-precise and small TCXO, etc.)

Please let us know if this footprint is EOL-ed. we got scared and did a second design using the bigger QFAA footprint, however, this bigger one looks like a tank compared to the tiny CIAA.

You could clearly see the massive size difference.

Looking forward to your feedback.


