Proprietary PSM

Dear Nordic,

Could you please advise how to interpret the version in this context?

The modem firmware v2.X - is it the version that does not exist right now?
If yes, when you are planning to release it?

est regards,

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  • Answering my own question...

    I guess following should work to emulate a "Proprietary PSM" cycle:

    1. PSM is not supported by the active network operator if event LTE_LC_EVT_PSM_UPDATE indicates evt->psm_cfg.active_time <= 0
    2. In this case do follwing after transmission work:
    3. Do close(server_socket)
    4. Execute lte_lc_offline()
    5. Sleep until time is reached for next transmission then:
    6. Execute lte_lc_normal()
    7. Wait (using a semaphore) until event LTE_LC_EVT_NW_REG_STATUS indicates LTE_LC_NW_REG_REGISTERED_HOME or LTE_LC_NW_REG_REGISTERED_ROAMING
    8. Then perform a socket connect (ev. getaddrinfo(), socket(), connect(), ev. setsockopt() to set recv timeout etc.
    9. And send/recv what you want.

    In my simple udp tests after initial setup a transmit cycle including socket reconnect and send/recv of a short frame takes ~185 mC at 3.3V whereas a send/recv in a PSM cycle (where no reconnect is needed) takes ~100 mC. During inactive period the supply current is same (12.5 uA using a nrf9160 feather module if all other periphery is set suspended).

    But unfortunately previous procedure is still not reliable: after going offline for power saving and reactivating by lte_lc_normal(), it often takes long for re-registering to the previously active network operator with silly switching forth and back between operators as seen here:

    [00:00:28.225,921] <dbg> main: set_pm_resume: resume
    [00:00:28.225,860] <dbg> main: lte_handler: LTE_LC_EVT_MODEM_SLEEP_EXIT
    [00:00:29.176,483] <dbg> main: lte_handler: Network registration status: 2
    [00:00:29.176,544] <dbg> main: lte_handler: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 12902406, Tracking area: 41300
    [00:00:29.176,544] <dbg> main: lte_handler: LTE_LC_EVT_LTE_MODE_UPDATE
    [00:00:29.258,758] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Connected
    [00:00:39.677,673] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Idle
    [00:01:08.447,875] <dbg> main: lte_handler: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 17154569, Tracking area: 1515
    [00:01:08.521,850] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Connected
    [00:01:23.481,170] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Idle
    [00:01:33.592,498] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Connected
    [00:01:36.087,524] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Idle
    [00:01:36.138,183] <dbg> main: lte_handler: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 12902406, Tracking area: 41300
    [00:01:36.220,489] <dbg> main: lte_handler: RRC mode: Connected
    [00:01:42.614,715] <dbg> main: lte_handler: Network registration status: Connected - roaming

    Does anybody have a better approach?

    Regards, Matthias

  • Would love to hear what you ended up with here! We're running into networks that don't support PSM and need a more power conservative option.
