Thingy:91 external LTE antenna


I am testing my thingy:91 and was promised by my provider that we would get NB-IoT reception in basements in the city.

unfortunately, that doesn't work and I lose reception as soon as I start going downstairs.

Is there a connector for an external LTE antenna? according to the schematics, there is only an external Bluetooth connector and an LTE measurement connector (which I can't identify)


  • Hello, 

    You can add an external antenna to the J1 connector. This should automatically switch to the external antenna. I would recommend testing with e.g. Asset Tracker v2 with debug enabled. On the project page of Thingy:91 you can find our Precompiled application and modem firmware packages which includes: 

    These files were built with nRF Connect SDK version v2.5.0
    from sdk-nrf repository (
    Full commit SHA: 1fae141fc6713dd331b797fc96c90dc84552242d
    Folder contents:
      - Full application images including bootloader.
      - These files can be used with:
        - nRF Connect Programmer (only with SEGGER J-Link or another debug probe)
        - nrfjprog CLI
      - These images contain only application and bootloader is not included.
      - Images are in HEX format.
      - These files can be used with nRF Connect Programmer (only via USB bootloader).
      - These images contain only application and bootloader is not included.
      - Images are in binary format.
      - These files can be used with:
        - Over-the-air update, for example, via nRF Cloud, Azure or AWS.
        - mcumgr CLI (via USB bootloader only)
    The following folders contain images configured for modem debugging:
      - img_app_bl/debug
      - img_fota_dfu_hex/debug
      - img_fota_dfu_bin/debug

    I would recommend testing the device connected to a computer to collect logs directly through the Cellular Monitor app, this way you can see how much of a difference an external antenna will do.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello, 

    You can add an external antenna to the J1 connector. This should automatically switch to the external antenna. I would recommend testing with e.g. Asset Tracker v2 with debug enabled. On the project page of Thingy:91 you can find our Precompiled application and modem firmware packages which includes: 

    These files were built with nRF Connect SDK version v2.5.0
    from sdk-nrf repository (
    Full commit SHA: 1fae141fc6713dd331b797fc96c90dc84552242d
    Folder contents:
      - Full application images including bootloader.
      - These files can be used with:
        - nRF Connect Programmer (only with SEGGER J-Link or another debug probe)
        - nrfjprog CLI
      - These images contain only application and bootloader is not included.
      - Images are in HEX format.
      - These files can be used with nRF Connect Programmer (only via USB bootloader).
      - These images contain only application and bootloader is not included.
      - Images are in binary format.
      - These files can be used with:
        - Over-the-air update, for example, via nRF Cloud, Azure or AWS.
        - mcumgr CLI (via USB bootloader only)
    The following folders contain images configured for modem debugging:
      - img_app_bl/debug
      - img_fota_dfu_hex/debug
      - img_fota_dfu_bin/debug

    I would recommend testing the device connected to a computer to collect logs directly through the Cellular Monitor app, this way you can see how much of a difference an external antenna will do.

    Kind regards,

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