Can't initiate ping in nRF9160 to one APN.


In our private network we experience one problem.

We can ping Google ( via APN customer4. In Wireshark traces it is seen that ping is initiated.

On RRC level Control plane service request is initiated, and ping is run successfully.

When we change APN to internet, we can see that ping is not initiated, UE turns into RRC-IDLE state after expiration of inactivity timer.

And we can see error-22 at terminal session.

Can somebody prompt what can be a reason for such fails?



trace of At commands failed pings.pcapng

trace-customer4APN__AT_commands successful ping.pcapng

Parents Reply
  • Thank you and sorry for the delay.

    That is a really old version of Modem Firmware (the newest is 1.3.5) and NCS (Zephyr 2.4.99 should be NCS version 1.5.x, the newest version is 2.5.0 with Zephyr version 3.4.99).

    Unless it's an old existing project, I would recommend upgrading if possible.

    They could also try to enable the network logs maybe?


    I am also asking our experts if they have any other tips, but it may be difficult to debug with such old SDK.

    Best regards,

