Can't initiate ping in nRF9160 to one APN.


In our private network we experience one problem.

We can ping Google ( via APN customer4. In Wireshark traces it is seen that ping is initiated.

On RRC level Control plane service request is initiated, and ping is run successfully.

When we change APN to internet, we can see that ping is not initiated, UE turns into RRC-IDLE state after expiration of inactivity timer.

And we can see error-22 at terminal session.

Can somebody prompt what can be a reason for such fails?



trace of At commands failed pings.pcapng

trace-customer4APN__AT_commands successful ping.pcapng

Parents Reply
  • Hi Michal.

    I tried to re-flash our modem via Cellular Monitor and results (of installation only) were successful.

    I installed first Asset Tracker v2:

    Then I installed Modem Shell:

    I was able to connect to modem with Tera Term, but modem did not function:


    Then I made switch off/on manually. After that result was the same.

    Then I installed Serial LTE modem:

    After that I lost connectivity to modem:

    I did not react anymore on resets or switch OFF/ONs.

    Any suggestions?


    Oleg Tkachenko
