I want to connect my nrf52840dk to cloud backend over openthread. It seems that COAP is the most natural selection for a device this small, but major cloud providers all only support MQTT natively.  I checked nordics cloud offerings and it looks like they only support COAP for certain boards (not the nrf52840). Is that correct?

Are there are other common options for a COAP cloud IOT service?  Previously, google cloud had leveraged the opensource coap implementation californium in one of the GCP IOT core examples, but they've since closed down GCP IOT core and I don't want to spend much time familiarizing with californium myself if possible, so hoping there's a simpler solution available.

That said, is MQTT over openthread direct to AWS IOT core an option for the NRF52840? And if not, why not? There aren't any nrf52840->AWS examples in the nordic sdk, so I'm wondering if this is due to device limitations.
