Best practice for safe FOTA (aws)


I was wondering what is the recommended best practice for safe FOTA using AWS and the nrf sdk (aws_fota.h).

The requirements would be:

  1. the update is not bricking the device in the field, for example due to interruption due battery voltage and
  2. we can prevent updates in certain situations where the device should available.
    • an ongoing update is okay.

To just suspend the fota library would good, but aws_fota.h does not support this, or? 

So what happens if we interrupt during fota download, here?

  • Is the download continued?
  • Is the unit getting a new download job?
  • Is the unit installing a corrupt upgrade?
  • Or, what does the aws job when the unit does not report that the download is finished?

When it comes to the second point, the only thing we can do is to delay the reboot? Here is also the question what happens if mcuboot is interrupted during the update by an unexpected power down, is it able to recover?
