Power Profiler kit 2 not reading measurement

Hello all,

For a battery project I am working on, I am using the Power Profiler Kit II (PPK2) to monitor battery usage; at first, everything was working great, and I was able to optimize my code further.

However, for some unknown reason, the PPK2 stopped working. The device is being identified by the computer (both Linux and Windows), and I can enable the power output and move the different dials to change the sampling parameters. However, now I am getting 0 measurements. I checked the wiring and other PCBs, but I am not getting any data other than 0 and some spikes. I checked the wiring and even the voltage coming in and out and saw the correct values (3.3V).

I am unsure what I did wrong, but everything worked great until yesterday. My main machine is a Linux one, so I thought it might be an environment issue, so I installed it on a Windows machine, and the results are the same. The blue LED blinks, and everything seems fine, but the values are zero.

I did some reading and saw some people having an issue with the firmware, so I tried to put the PPK2 in DFU mode (TP34 to ground). The PPK2 booted in DFU mode, and I was able to reflash the firmware. Unfourthly, that didn't solve the problem. The reading is still zero.

I was wondering if there is a restore to default or any self-diagnosis that can be done to review what went wrong?

The PPK2 is connected to a CC1310 board that draws a maximum of 15mA and uses 3.3V, which is way under the board's maximum spec.

Thank you
