In my last ticket, I consulted on how to use nrf5340 audio dk to achieve stereo audio transmission (from gateway to one headset), and I received the answer.
However, during my debugging process on the CIS code, what ever the answer code or my own code. I found that implementing this feature would have significant limitations, such as the gateway being able to only connect to one headset at same time. I have changed the BT_MAX_CONN to 2, also the BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_GROUP_STREAM_COUNT and BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_ASE_SNK_COUNT, but it still some err logged out. Then i remembered that the sdu size is doubled, so i enable the CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_24_2_1 to reduce the sdu size, and the gateway finally can connected two headset.
But the audio sampling rate will decrease to 24KHz as a result, which cannot meet my requirements.
What I need is that in CIS mode, the Gateway can connect two Headsets with an audio sampling rate of at least 48KHz, and not only can it receive external input audio data from the Gateway, but it can also input audio data from one Headset and transmit it to another Headset through the Gateway(realy function). If it woke as mono mode(gateway only send mono audio data to corresponding Headset), I have already implemented it on a standard sample, But it too hard for me when i want to send the stereo audio data to every Headset.
So i want to ask for help, what is the true problem and how can i resolv it.