Hi all,
I'm trying to get a UART connection running at 460800 bps, and it fails about 1-5% of the time, meaning that I receive less bytes than I expect. This happens a lot less when I set the speed down to 115200 bps.
I read on the datasheet that "the external crystal oscillator must be enabled to obtain sufficient clock accuracy", page 512. I am using a u-blox Nina B301 (NRF52840), and that unit has a 32MHz oscillator attached to it.
I'm looking at the registers for the clock, and I get:
HFCLKSTAT -> 0x10000
I am assuming this tells me the clock is working from the internal 64MHz oscillator, I'm not actively doing any initialisation of the clock.
I'd like to activate the 32MHz external oscillator, but I am a bit lost with Zephyr on that driver. I only set