How to avoid ble_scan log output enabled by default.

I would like to know how could disable the log of ble_scan, as it can be seen in the following image:

I only want to view the the app log (call to LOG in the modified handler function)

Programmed calling NRF_LOG_INFO in this way:

How could i configure ble_scan in order to disable the log? 

NOTE: i have tried disablig NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_ENABLE macro and still does appear the log

Parents Reply
  • The text is printed in the nrf_ble_scan_on_ble_evt function:

    But this function it is not called in any part of the code, so ¿how is this fragment of code invoked?

    In the n of ble scanner, the previous function it is not passed as handler, as it can be seen in the following image:

    So, i would like to understand how the automatically <info> ble_scan log is printed and why.

    Thanks in advance!
