bt_hci_core: bt_hci_cmd_send_sync: opcode 0x0c33 status 0x11 and Bluetooth init failed (err -5)


I am using nrf5340 raytak board which does not use DC_DC power, uses internal quartz. When I play the Bluetooth peripheral example I get the following error(I using sdk 2.4.2)

This is the prj.conf file

This is the folder hci_rpmsg prj.conf file

  • Thank you for helping me
    But when I try again CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_Control=y it still doesn't change anything but the above error still appears. It seems that I discovered an error in this OTA code after I added it to the config file, when I tried to delete it, it started showing the above error. (I noticed that when I created a new BLE peripheral project there would be no errors until I added that ota code and deleted it and it kept getting the above error). Do you have any solution to help me?

  • Thank you for helping me
    But when I try again CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_Control=y it still doesn't change anything but the above error still appears. It seems that I discovered an error in this OTA code after I added it to the config file, when I tried to delete it, it started showing the above error. (I noticed that when I created a new BLE peripheral project there would be no errors until I added that ota code and deleted it and it kept getting the above error). Do you have any solution to help me?

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