Zephyr 3.5: Power Management subsystem

Hello, guys. 

We have the application running on Zephyr RTOS (nRF52840 SoC) that is periodically switching between the sleeping (System ON) and active modes of operation. In System ON mode of operation the sample was consuming a few uA of current (as expected).

We have recently migrated from Zephyr v3.3.0 to the latest one (v3.5.0). When checking the current consumption profile of our application in new Zephyr v3.5.0 environment, we noticed some strange periodic (~2.5ms period) current consumption spikes that are significantly increasing the average current consumption:

Here are the power management related flags that we have in our application:


Do you have any idea what might be the cause of the current spikes in new Zephyr v3.5. environment?

Is there any additional power management related flag that we should activate? 

Thanks in advance for your time and efforts!


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