I went through couple of a posts like nRF52840 custom board won't boot without debugger "kick" start and tried to apply suggested solutions - without much luck.
Got a custom board, based on nRF52840 rev.3 (everything explained below is tested on 2 instances). Please find below the clock and power schematic.
I am trying to run the Blinky sample, compiled for nrf52840dk_nrf52840 target (with the only overlay for a LED, which is connected to P1.00) - and flash it via SWD cable using PCA10040 v.1.1.1 board as JLink adapter and TC2030 cable. My device runs from a battery - and recognised by developer tools (this is why I used an adapter with the different chip - to see if I am talking to the right one).
The issue - with a default configuration my board not being reset after the flashing and cannot power up autonomously - it requires RTT to be connected to run. When RTT disconnected - the LED stops blinking, but if I just physically disconnect the cable w/o disconnectiing the viewer programmatically - it continues to work. I did some search in DevZone and applied the configuration CONFIG_BOARD_ENABLE_DCDC=n. It fixed the situation - now my board runs straight away after flashing, as well as when battery is pulled out and connected again.
But when I enable MCUboot with CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y - it reverts the situation to an above explained state, application doesn't run until RTT viewer is connected.
I am using 2.4.1 Connect SDK and JLink 7,88j along with nrfjprog 10.23.2
Please advise