The modem fails to write via J-link,But the application core is working

J-Link does not recognize the chip, but can write and debug normally:

The modem fails to write:

  • Hi,

    Which board do you use? 

    Where did you get modem file from?

    Could you provide more information about your screenshots?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    I used the nRF9161-DK development board and a board of my own design. When using the development board, I can burn programs written into the modem, but I can't burn successfully using the board we designed. Our board is using jlink as the emulator, perhaps because the emulator is different when burning?

    modem file: mfw_nrf91x1_2.0.0 is downloaded from the official website.

    The first screenshot shows that VsCode cannot detect the chip when connecting the board we designed using jlink, but can burn and debug it
    The second screenshot shows the programmer's state when burning modem firmware using jlink, unable to select the write option

  • I have the same issue for a custom board. Is there anything I can do? 

  • nrfjprog --program --verify this works!

  • Hello again,

    Version 4.2.0 of the Programmer app was just released with a fix for this issue.

    Could you try the new update, and see if it works for you?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Didrik, 

    I had to restart the application but now it works!

    2024-01-04T13:59:13.827Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/thijsfranssen/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.146Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.149Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-programmer v4.2.0 (official)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG App path: /Users/thijsfranssen/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.3.0, required by the app is (>=4.3.0)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/thijsfranssen
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.151Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/lf/0ktnzwxj26b30w1sjmrrdh6h0000gn/T/
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.525Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.529Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.654Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.0.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.655Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.23.1
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.88j
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.745Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store DF0BDFB40E75.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.754Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000801050408.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.755Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store A9G1HVMG.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.760Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:24.325Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.337Z INFO Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO JLink OB firmware version J-Link EDU Mini V1 compiled Jun  6 2023 10:50:57
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device family 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device version NRF9160_xxAA_REV2
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.339Z INFO Board version 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.343Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device selected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.344Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.452Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.730Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.731Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.739Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.808Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.875Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.144Z INFO Loading core information for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.146Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.155Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Loading core information for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:33.765Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.785Z INFO Reading memory for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.805Z INFO Parse memory regions for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.841Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.898Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.176Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.181Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.254Z INFO Device is loaded and ready for further operation
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Update files regions according to Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Parse memory regions for file
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.249Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.427Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.016Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.017Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.970Z INFO Modem DFU starts to write...
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.973Z INFO Writing /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/ to device 000801050408
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.989Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T14:00:59.760Z INFO Modem DFU completed successfully!

    Thanks for picking this up. 

  • Hi Didrik, 

    I had to restart the application but now it works!

    2024-01-04T13:59:13.827Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/thijsfranssen/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.146Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.149Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-programmer v4.2.0 (official)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG App path: /Users/thijsfranssen/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.3.0, required by the app is (>=4.3.0)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/thijsfranssen
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.151Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/lf/0ktnzwxj26b30w1sjmrrdh6h0000gn/T/
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.525Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.529Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.654Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.0.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.655Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.23.1
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.88j
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.745Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store DF0BDFB40E75.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.754Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000801050408.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.755Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store A9G1HVMG.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.760Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:24.325Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.337Z INFO Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO JLink OB firmware version J-Link EDU Mini V1 compiled Jun  6 2023 10:50:57
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device family 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device version NRF9160_xxAA_REV2
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.339Z INFO Board version 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.343Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device selected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.344Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.452Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.730Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.731Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.739Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.808Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.875Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.144Z INFO Loading core information for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.146Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.155Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Loading core information for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:33.765Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.785Z INFO Reading memory for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.805Z INFO Parse memory regions for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.841Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.898Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.176Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.181Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.254Z INFO Device is loaded and ready for further operation
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Update files regions according to Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Parse memory regions for file
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.249Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.427Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.016Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.017Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.970Z INFO Modem DFU starts to write...
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.973Z INFO Writing /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/ to device 000801050408
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.989Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T14:00:59.760Z INFO Modem DFU completed successfully!

    Thanks for picking this up. 

No Data