The modem fails to write via J-link,But the application core is working

J-Link does not recognize the chip, but can write and debug normally:

The modem fails to write:

  • I have the same issue for a custom board. Is there anything I can do? 

  • nrfjprog --program --verify this works!

  • Hello again,

    Version 4.2.0 of the Programmer app was just released with a fix for this issue.

    Could you try the new update, and see if it works for you?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Didrik, 

    I had to restart the application but now it works!

    2024-01-04T13:59:13.827Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/thijsfranssen/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.146Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.149Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-programmer v4.2.0 (official)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG App path: /Users/thijsfranssen/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.3.0, required by the app is (>=4.3.0)
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.150Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/thijsfranssen
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.151Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/lf/0ktnzwxj26b30w1sjmrrdh6h0000gn/T/
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.525Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.529Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.654Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.0.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.655Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.3
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.23.1
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.656Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.88j
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.745Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store DF0BDFB40E75.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.754Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000801050408.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.755Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store A9G1HVMG.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.758Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:14.760Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device connected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:24.325Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.337Z INFO Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO JLink OB firmware version J-Link EDU Mini V1 compiled Jun  6 2023 10:50:57
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device family 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.338Z INFO Device version NRF9160_xxAA_REV2
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.339Z INFO Board version 
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.343Z DEBUG Sending usage data "device selected"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.344Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.452Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.730Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.731Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.738Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.739Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.808Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.810Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:25.875Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.144Z INFO Loading core information for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.146Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.155Z INFO Loading core information for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Loading core information for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:26.156Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:33.765Z INFO Reading memory for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.785Z INFO Reading memory for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.805Z INFO Parse memory regions for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.841Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:34.898Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.176Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.181Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 0%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core 100%
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Application core protection status 'NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_NONE'
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.182Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core completed
    2024-01-04T13:59:35.254Z INFO Device is loaded and ready for further operation
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Update files regions according to Application core
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.151Z INFO Parse memory regions for file
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.249Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T13:59:46.427Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.016Z INFO Checking ZIP file:  /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/
    2024-01-04T14:00:01.017Z INFO File was last modified at  12/19/2023, 5:09:23 PM
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.970Z INFO Modem DFU starts to write...
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.973Z INFO Writing /Users/thijsfranssen/Downloads/ to device 000801050408
    2024-01-04T14:00:13.989Z DEBUG Sending usage data "running nrfutil device"
    2024-01-04T14:00:59.760Z INFO Modem DFU completed successfully!

    Thanks for picking this up. 
