PDM / DMIC not giving any sensible output

I'm trying to capture audio data from a PDM microphone.
Using the dmic sample I output the captured buffer via serial. Though the captured PCM data is 8x the same data. So each time the dmic sample captures one "block" is receives the same data though this is not what I see in my logic analyser.
What is even more puzzling is that I keep getting successful data reads when I disconnect the microphone. That happens with the unmodified dmic sample.

The issue sounds very similar to this old ticket: RE: Trouble extracting data using DMIC 

Used hardware:
Microphone: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4346 ( https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/049/977/original/MP34DT01-M.pdf)

NCS2.5.0 via VSCode Extension
Windows 10

The received output. 1. Zoomed in 2. Full capture

Parents Reply Children
  • But that should raise an error for a read and not just continue to provide data while not receiving any data? That would make sense to me if the device disconnected during a read but that it configures and starts reading successfully without any hardware connected is odd.

  • I did make some progress though. Reconfiguring the pdm interface with every block read was partially an issue it seems.
    Still getting some periodic popping artifacts that I can't really explain so far but behind the artifacts I can at at least hear the recorded audio now.

  • not sure if the system is weird or if you deleted your reply. I'm currently doing a start, read and stop cycle in a loop. Mostly the dmic sample but moved the configuration out of the transfer function.
    I'm not quite sure what the proper way is to do a continues read stream. I've been going through the Thingy:53 firmware but its quite abstracted and verbose so hard to track down how exactly that is handled for audio streaming.

  • I deleted my reply 

    I think you'd configure then trigger start and continuously do a dmic_read but when I tried that I got clicking noises like you so I'm still trying to figure that out

  • ah I just realize you are the same person with that other similar ticket Slight smile
    I'm actually using a modified version of the code you had posted, thanks for that, it helped me get a bit further with this.
    My pops are a bit more aggressive than the pcm sample you had posted so I figured that might be related to reading too much data maybe and getting a few random bytes in there.
    Thats unfortunate that you still get the pops if you don't stop the stream at all. Altho I guess the memory slab could still contain some "off bytes" if the dmic driver isn't completely filling it for some reason or notifies too early.
    I did see a notice about a workaround to get rid of click sounds in the Thingy:53 firmware. Let me see if I can find that again.
