I have Nordic Thingy:52 nRF52832, nRF6936. I am trying to upload application to this board.
Later, used this guide https://academy.nordicsemi.com/flash-instructions-for-the-thingy53/ to flash board.
Tried to get additional help from https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/88430/how-to-program-nrf6936 .
Now, I would like to request help.
1. how could I build DFU zip, mentioned in one of the guides? <application root directory>\build\zephyr
and select the folder dfu_application.zip
I use VS code, and do instructions described in this lesson https://academy.nordicsemi.com/courses/bluetooth-low-energy-fundamentals/lessons/lesson-6-bluetooth-le-sniffer/topic/blefund-lesson-6-exercise-1/ . Lesson 6 only has instructions for boards that appear in VS code. Not clear how do I build for Thingy:52. I tried to create build config for thingy52_nrf52832 and check out build folder. No mentions of zip files, only libapp.a or zephyr.hex or some c make files.
2. how do I connect Thingy:52 to programmer? It would not appear in programmer. I did start board with button 2 pressed for DFU. I did see light blinking in this mode.
Note: I do not need debugger, uploading enough in this case.