Simple question:
Is possible a central to evaluate RSSI before connecting to a peripheral?
The idea is to make central device connect and bond to a peripheral only if a determined RSSI is achieved.
Simple question:
Is possible a central to evaluate RSSI before connecting to a peripheral?
The idea is to make central device connect and bond to a peripheral only if a determined RSSI is achieved.
Well yes - the RSSI received is in the advertising report event structure, ble_gap_evt_adv_report_t. So you can read it before you connect. You can also put the TX power in the advertising packet as well if you like so you have a good idea how close the device actually is to you.
Don't remember seeing an example. But the structure is documented, you receive the advertising event, check the rssi, if it's high enough for you, you call the connect on the peripheral. That's it.
Don't remember seeing an example. But the structure is documented, you receive the advertising event, check the rssi, if it's high enough for you, you call the connect on the peripheral. That's it.