Im trying to scan on the 1M PHY and coded PHY at the same time, which in theory should work but doesnt.
I am using the recommended scan parameters from the core spec:
static const struct bt_le_scan_param scanParam{ .type=BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE, .options=BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_CODED, .interval=BT_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_INTERVAL_1, .window=BT_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_WINDOW_1, .timeout=0 .interval_coded=0x1800, .window_coded=0x36 };
If I try to start advertising with these parameters (NCS 2.5 with softdevice controller) I will get hci error code 12, so invalid parameters.
the interesting part is, that if I use the Zephyr opensource BLE controller instead of the softdevice it works without issues.
where is it documented what scan parameters the softdevice will accept? And is it wanted behaviour that the softdevice rejects parameters that the opensource controller accepts?
kind regards,
Jonas Woerner