Hello, I'm trying to do the fota via azure IoT hub, except I can't, I don't know if I'm doing it wrong because I followed the doc   Azure FOTA ainsi que  Azure IoT Hub , maybe I missed something.

sdk 2.5.99-dev1

I would like to add this, when try to download the zephyr.bin on my azure

<err> download_client: Unable to connect, errno 113
[00:00:44.678,955] <err> fota_download: Download client error
[00:00:44.689,544] <err> azure_fota: FOTA download failed

If you need more information, I'm open, thank you, I hope to find a solution :)

  • Hi,

    When you repeatedly edit the ticket, it makes it hard for us to follow the history and development of the issue.

    In one of your previous images, it looked like you were able to download the new image. Has that changed, or do I remember the old image incorrectly?

    113 is ECONNABORTED, with the explanation "Software caused connection abort". My first guess is that something is wrong with the credentials you have written to the device.

    Best regards,


  • Hello, thank you for your follow-up and your advice, I'm sorry for that.

    I made a mistake in my analysis, until now I can't download the .bin from my blobstorage.

    I'm still exploring different avenues, exactly I've been thinking about the certificate,

    I got the error ECONNABORTED 113.
    I saw its correspondence in the errno.h "/* Software caused connection abort */",
    I modified my CONFIG_AZURE_FOTA_SEC_TAG which was 11, now I set it to 1, because despite the fact that it was 11, in my terminal I saw [00:00:35.305,633] <inf> download_client: Setting up TLS credentials, sec tag count 1.

    After setting my CONFIG_AZURE_FOTA_SEC_TAG=1, I get a new error which is:
    [ 00:00:35.374,603] <err> download_client: Unable to connect, errno 2.

    in the errno.h it's defined as  #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */

  • Hello, thank you for your follow-up and your advice, I'm sorry for that.

    I made a mistake in my analysis, until now I can't download the .bin from my blobstorage.

    I'm still exploring different avenues, exactly I've been thinking about the certificate,

    I got the error ECONNABORTED 113.
    I saw its correspondence in the errno.h "/* Software caused connection abort */",
    I modified my CONFIG_AZURE_FOTA_SEC_TAG which was 11, now I set it to 1, because despite the fact that it was 11, in my terminal I saw [00:00:35.305,633] <inf> download_client: Setting up TLS credentials, sec tag count 1.

    After setting my CONFIG_AZURE_FOTA_SEC_TAG=1, I get a new error which is:
    [ 00:00:35.374,603] <err> download_client: Unable to connect, errno 2.

    in the errno.h it's defined as  #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
