external memory SPI pin configuration in serial ltm application



We are developing a custom board having nrf9160 cellular modem and we are using serial ltm application in it.

in serial ltm application there is pin selection available for UART2 in overlay file of nrf9160

same way can we configure the pin for external memory in serial ltm application?

 Thanks !!

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  • Thanks for quick response !!

    I do not want to modify the application firmware, only configure the project configuration files and overlay files.
    Using this I want to achieve the enable the external flash and test using sample app. 

    Once you have setup the overlay, you can for instance run a FOTA:

    (In my region lte-m/nbIoT network not available )  so I am not able to test FOTA commands.

    The former attached overlay sets up the mx25r64

    I am using the same chip as external flash, please let me know the basic configuration on version nrf connect sdk 2.5.0, also sample application (how to validate external memory)

  • Hi,


    Add the overlay and flash; check the runtime output of the sample to see if it booted correctly.

    You can also check the partition layout to verify that the mcuboot_secondary is located in the "flash_primary" or "external_flash" region.


    to verify correct connections and overlay; please have a look at for instance jesd216 sample and run this on your board.

    Kind regards,

