Enable mcumgr features on NRF5340 DK board while Bluetooth HCI_USB program is running

Hello community,

I am trying for multiple firmware updates for my NRF5340 DK board. 

What I am doing is I have build and flashed the SMP server sample program found /zephyr/samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/smp_svr

After flashing this application, I can see my board recognised as a ttyACM0 device while I perform ls /dev.

Using the mcumgr tool I am also able to flash the Bluetooth HCI_USB sample program and after confirming the image and resetting the board, the board now acts as a bluetooth controller. I can verify this using the bluetoothctl command.

Now If I want to do a firmware upgrade, I dont have any way in the HCI_USB application to go back to smp server application. How can I perform multiple firmware updates using mcumgr?

Can virtual com port concept be useful here? If yes then I would like to have a detailed tutorial for this .

  • Hello Utsav,

    In a different DevZone case, I was able to emulate two UART COM on the same USB peripheral simply by setting one more cdc_acm_uart node under the usbd node. 

    		usbd: zephyr_udc0: usbd@40027000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-usbd";
    			reg = < 0x40027000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x27 0x1 >;
    			num-bidir-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    			num-in-endpoints = < 0x7 >;
    			num-out-endpoints = < 0x7 >;
    			num-isoin-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    			num-isoout-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			cdc_acm_uart: cdc_acm_uart {
    				compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";
    			cdc_acm_uart0: cdc_acm_uart0 {
    				compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";
    				label = "CDC_ACM_0";

    Once that second virtual COM port is setup, you can select it for MCUmgr by overlaying the chosen property as such:

    	chosen {
    		zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &new_usb_uart_com;

    Please note that it is the Christmas - New Year holiday season here. We are thus severely understaffed, and there would be delays in responses. Our apologies for the inconveniences. 


  • Hello   thanks for your response. I understand Christmas season is here and most of  the people would be on vacations. I really appreciate your response. 

    In the Bluetooth HCI_USB project I have done the following changes : 

    I have tried modifying the overlay file and here are the results : 

    The contents of my overlay file are as follows: 

    / {
    chosen {
    zephyr,code-partition = &slot0_partition;
    zephyr,out-usb = &cdc_acm1;
    zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &cdc_acm0;

    &zephyr_udc0 {
    cdc_acm0: cdc_acm0 {
    compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";
    cdc_acm1: cdc_acm1 {
    compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";

    &uart0 {
    status = "okay";

    The contents of my prj.conf file are as follows:




    # Workaround: Unable to allocate command buffer when using K_NO_WAIT since
    # Host number of completed commands does not follow normal flow control.

    #This flag is enabled to make the mcuboot features for DFU available

    #Commands to add composite USB feature to HCI_USB program
    #Composite USB configuration ----------------

    # Enable MCUmgr and dependencies.

    # Some command handlers require a large stack.

    # Enable flash operations.

    # Required by the `taskstat` command.

    # Support for taskstat command

    # Enable statistics and statistic names.

    # Enable most core commands.

    # Enable logging

    # Disable debug logging

    # Enable USB subsystem
    # USB backend is serial device

    Then I have build the project using the following command : 

    west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp --pristine -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-cdc.conf -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE=nrf5340_cpuapp.overlay -DCONFIG_MCUBOOT_SIGNATURE_KEY_FILE=\"/home/mutsl04176/ncs/v2.4.2/bootloader/mcuboot/root-rsa-2048.pem\"

    After successful build, I flashed the program into the NRF5340 DK board and plugged in the other USB.

    You can see from the screenshot below that I get two virtual ports as ACM0 and ACM1 :

    But at the same time, the board is not visible as a Bluetooth controller under bluetoothctl . Only the default Bluetooth controller (of the laptop) is visible.

    How do I solve this? 

    Any other modifications that needs to be made? If yes then please let me know in which file and what needs to be done. 


  • Hello Utsav,

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Could you please share your compiled zephyr.dts file? It's located in <build folder>/zephyr/zephyr.dts.

    Also, if you can, please use the insert code block feature when you share code. It makes the code a lot more readable.

  • /dts-v1/;
    / {
    	#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    	model = "Nordic NRF5340 DK NRF5340 Application";
    	compatible = "nordic,nrf5340-dk-nrf5340-cpuapp";
    	chosen {
    		zephyr,entropy = &cryptocell;
    		zephyr,flash-controller = &flash_controller;
    		zephyr,console = &uart0;
    		zephyr,shell-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &cdc_acm0;
    		zephyr,bt-mon-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-c2h-uart = &uart0;
    		zephyr,bt-hci-rpmsg-ipc = &ipc0;
    		nordic,802154-spinel-ipc = &ipc0;
    		zephyr,ieee802154 = &ieee802154;
    		zephyr,ipc_shm = &sram0_shared;
    		zephyr,sram = &sram0_image;
    		zephyr,flash = &flash0;
    		zephyr,code-partition = &slot0_partition;
    		zephyr,sram-secure-partition = &sram0_s;
    		zephyr,sram-non-secure-partition = &sram0_ns;
    		zephyr,out-usb = &cdc_acm1;
    	aliases {
    		led0 = &led0;
    		led1 = &led1;
    		led2 = &led2;
    		led3 = &led3;
    		pwm-led0 = &pwm_led0;
    		sw0 = &button0;
    		sw1 = &button1;
    		sw2 = &button2;
    		sw3 = &button3;
    		bootloader-led0 = &led0;
    		mcuboot-button0 = &button0;
    		mcuboot-led0 = &led0;
    		watchdog0 = &wdt0;
    		spi-flash0 = &mx25r64;
    	soc {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		compatible = "nordic,nRF5340-CPUAPP-QKAA", "nordic,nRF5340-CPUAPP", "nordic,nRF53", "simple-bus";
    		interrupt-parent = < &nvic >;
    		nvic: interrupt-controller@e000e100 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			compatible = "arm,v8m-nvic";
    			reg = < 0xe000e100 0xc00 >;
    			#interrupt-cells = < 0x2 >;
    			arm,num-irq-priority-bits = < 0x3 >;
    			phandle = < 0x1 >;
    		systick: timer@e000e010 {
    			compatible = "arm,armv8m-systick";
    			reg = < 0xe000e010 0x10 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    		ficr: ficr@ff0000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-ficr";
    			reg = < 0xff0000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		uicr: uicr@ff8000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uicr";
    			reg = < 0xff8000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		sram0: memory@20000000 {
    			compatible = "mmio-sram";
    			reg = < 0x20000000 0x80000 >;
    		peripheral@50000000 {
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			ranges = < 0x0 0x50000000 0x10000000 >;
    			dcnf: dcnf@0 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-dcnf";
    				reg = < 0x0 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			oscillators: oscillator@4000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-oscillators";
    				reg = < 0x4000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			regulators: regulator@4000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-regulators";
    				reg = < 0x4000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			clock: clock@5000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-clock";
    				reg = < 0x5000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x5 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			power: power@5000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-power";
    				reg = < 0x5000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x5 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				gpregret1: gpregret1@551c {
    					compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpregret";
    					reg = < 0x551c 0x1 >;
    					status = "okay";
    				gpregret2: gpregret2@5520 {
    					compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpregret";
    					reg = < 0x5520 0x1 >;
    					status = "okay";
    			reset: reset-controller@5000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-reset";
    				reg = < 0x5000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			ctrlap: ctrlap@6000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-ctrlapperi";
    				reg = < 0x6000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			i2c0: i2c@8000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x8000 0x1000 >;
    				clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x8 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			spi0: spi@8000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x8000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x8 0x1 >;
    				max-frequency = < 0x7a1200 >;
    				easydma-maxcnt-bits = < 0x10 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			uart0: uart@8000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    				reg = < 0x8000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x8 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				current-speed = < 0x1c200 >;
    				pinctrl-0 = < &uart0_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &uart0_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    			i2c1: arduino_i2c: i2c@9000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x9000 0x1000 >;
    				clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x9 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				pinctrl-0 = < &i2c1_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &i2c1_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    			spi1: spi@9000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x9000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x9 0x1 >;
    				max-frequency = < 0x7a1200 >;
    				easydma-maxcnt-bits = < 0x10 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			uart1: arduino_serial: uart@9000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    				reg = < 0x9000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x9 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				current-speed = < 0x1c200 >;
    				pinctrl-0 = < &uart1_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &uart1_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    			spi4: arduino_spi: spi@a000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0xa000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xa 0x1 >;
    				max-frequency = < 0x1e84800 >;
    				easydma-maxcnt-bits = < 0x10 >;
    				rx-delay = < 0x2 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				cs-gpios = < &arduino_header 0x10 0x1 >;
    				pinctrl-0 = < &spi4_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &spi4_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    			i2c2: i2c@b000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0xb000 0x1000 >;
    				clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xb 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			spi2: spi@b000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0xb000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xb 0x1 >;
    				max-frequency = < 0x7a1200 >;
    				easydma-maxcnt-bits = < 0x10 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			uart2: uart@b000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    				reg = < 0xb000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xb 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			i2c3: i2c@c000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0xc000 0x1000 >;
    				clock-frequency = < 0x186a0 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xc 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			spi3: spi@c000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0xc000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xc 0x1 >;
    				max-frequency = < 0x7a1200 >;
    				easydma-maxcnt-bits = < 0x10 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			uart3: uart@c000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
    				reg = < 0xc000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xc 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			adc: adc@e000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-saadc";
    				reg = < 0xe000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xe 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				#io-channel-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				phandle = < 0x14 >;
    			timer0: timer@f000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    				status = "disabled";
    				reg = < 0xf000 0x1000 >;
    				cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    				max-bit-width = < 0x20 >;
    				interrupts = < 0xf 0x1 >;
    				prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			timer1: timer@10000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    				status = "disabled";
    				reg = < 0x10000 0x1000 >;
    				cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    				max-bit-width = < 0x20 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x10 0x1 >;
    				prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			timer2: timer@11000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-timer";
    				status = "disabled";
    				reg = < 0x11000 0x1000 >;
    				cc-num = < 0x6 >;
    				max-bit-width = < 0x20 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x11 0x1 >;
    				prescaler = < 0x0 >;
    			rtc0: rtc@14000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    				reg = < 0x14000 0x1000 >;
    				cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x14 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    				prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			rtc1: rtc@15000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-rtc";
    				reg = < 0x15000 0x1000 >;
    				cc-num = < 0x4 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x15 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				clock-frequency = < 0x8000 >;
    				prescaler = < 0x1 >;
    			dppic: dppic@17000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-dppic";
    				reg = < 0x17000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			wdt: wdt0: watchdog@18000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-wdt";
    				reg = < 0x18000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x18 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			wdt1: watchdog@19000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-wdt";
    				reg = < 0x19000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x19 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			comp: comparator@1a000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-comp";
    				reg = < 0x1a000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1a 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				#io-channel-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			egu0: egu@1b000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x1b000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1b 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			egu1: egu@1c000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x1c000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1c 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			egu2: egu@1d000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x1d000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1d 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			egu3: egu@1e000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x1e000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1e 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			egu4: egu@1f000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x1f000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x1f 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			egu5: egu@20000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-egu";
    				reg = < 0x20000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x20 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			pwm0: pwm@21000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    				reg = < 0x21000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x21 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				#pwm-cells = < 0x3 >;
    				pinctrl-0 = < &pwm0_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &pwm0_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    				phandle = < 0x12 >;
    			pwm1: pwm@22000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    				reg = < 0x22000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x22 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				#pwm-cells = < 0x3 >;
    			pwm2: pwm@23000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    				reg = < 0x23000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x23 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				#pwm-cells = < 0x3 >;
    			pwm3: pwm@24000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-pwm";
    				reg = < 0x24000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x24 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    				#pwm-cells = < 0x3 >;
    			pdm0: pdm@26000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-pdm";
    				reg = < 0x26000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x26 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			i2s0: i2s@28000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-i2s";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x28000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x28 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			mbox: ipc: mbox@2a000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,mbox-nrf-ipc", "nordic,nrf-ipc";
    				reg = < 0x2a000 0x1000 >;
    				tx-mask = < 0xffff >;
    				rx-mask = < 0xffff >;
    				interrupts = < 0x2a 0x1 >;
    				#mbox-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				phandle = < 0x10 >;
    			qspi: qspi@2b000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-qspi";
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    				reg = < 0x2b000 0x1000 >, < 0x10000000 0x10000000 >;
    				reg-names = "qspi", "qspi_mm";
    				interrupts = < 0x2b 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				pinctrl-0 = < &qspi_default >;
    				pinctrl-1 = < &qspi_sleep >;
    				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    				mx25r64: mx25r6435f@0 {
    					compatible = "nordic,qspi-nor";
    					reg = < 0x0 >;
    					writeoc = "pp4io";
    					readoc = "read4io";
    					sck-frequency = < 0x7a1200 >;
    					jedec-id = [ C2 28 17 ];
    					sfdp-bfp = [ E5 20 F1 FF FF FF FF 03 44 EB 08 6B 08 3B 04 BB EE FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF 0C 20 0F 52 10 D8 00 FF 23 72 F5 00 82 ED 04 CC 44 83 68 44 30 B0 30 B0 F7 C4 D5 5C 00 BE 29 FF F0 D0 FF FF ];
    					size = < 0x4000000 >;
    					t-enter-dpd = < 0x2710 >;
    					t-exit-dpd = < 0x88b8 >;
    			nfct: nfct@2d000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-nfct";
    				reg = < 0x2d000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x2d 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			mutex: mutex@30000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-mutex";
    				reg = < 0x30000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			qdec0: qdec@33000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-qdec";
    				reg = < 0x33000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x33 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			qdec1: qdec@34000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-qdec";
    				reg = < 0x34000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x34 0x1 >;
    				status = "disabled";
    			usbd: zephyr_udc0: usbd@36000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-usbd";
    				reg = < 0x36000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x36 0x1 >;
    				num-bidir-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    				num-in-endpoints = < 0x7 >;
    				num-out-endpoints = < 0x7 >;
    				num-isoin-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    				num-isoout-endpoints = < 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				cdc_acm0: cdc_acm0 {
    					compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";
    				cdc_acm1: cdc_acm1 {
    					compatible = "zephyr,cdc-acm-uart";
    			usbreg: regulator@37000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-usbreg";
    				reg = < 0x37000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x37 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			flash_controller: flash-controller@39000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf53-flash-controller";
    				reg = < 0x39000 0x1000 >;
    				#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    				flash0: flash@0 {
    					compatible = "soc-nv-flash";
    					erase-block-size = < 0x1000 >;
    					write-block-size = < 0x4 >;
    					reg = < 0x0 0x100000 >;
    					partitions {
    						compatible = "fixed-partitions";
    						#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    						#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    						boot_partition: partition@0 {
    							label = "mcuboot";
    							reg = < 0x0 0x10000 >;
    						slot0_partition: partition@10000 {
    							label = "image-0";
    							reg = < 0x10000 0x40000 >;
    						slot0_ns_partition: partition@50000 {
    							label = "image-0-nonsecure";
    							reg = < 0x50000 0x30000 >;
    						slot1_partition: partition@80000 {
    							label = "image-1";
    							reg = < 0x80000 0x40000 >;
    						slot1_ns_partition: partition@c0000 {
    							label = "image-1-nonsecure";
    							reg = < 0xc0000 0x30000 >;
    						storage_partition: partition@f8000 {
    							label = "storage";
    							reg = < 0xf8000 0x8000 >;
    			kmu: kmu@39000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-kmu";
    				reg = < 0x39000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x39 0x1 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			vmc: vmc@81000 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-vmc";
    				reg = < 0x81000 0x1000 >;
    				status = "okay";
    			gpio0: gpio@842500 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpio";
    				reg = < 0x842500 0x300 >;
    				#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				port = < 0x0 >;
    				phandle = < 0x11 >;
    			gpio1: gpio@842800 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpio";
    				reg = < 0x842800 0x300 >;
    				#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
    				ngpios = < 0x10 >;
    				status = "okay";
    				port = < 0x1 >;
    				phandle = < 0x13 >;
    			ieee802154: ieee802154 {
    				compatible = "nordic,nrf-ieee802154";
    				status = "okay";
    		spu: spu@50003000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-spu";
    			reg = < 0x50003000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x3 0x1 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		gpiote: gpiote0: gpiote@5000d000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpiote";
    			reg = < 0x5000d000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0xd 0x5 >;
    			status = "okay";
    		cryptocell: crypto@50844000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-cc312";
    			reg = < 0x50844000 0x1000 >;
    			status = "okay";
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			cryptocell312: crypto@50845000 {
    				compatible = "arm,cryptocell-312";
    				reg = < 0x50845000 0x1000 >;
    				interrupts = < 0x44 0x1 >;
    		gpiote1: gpiote@4002f000 {
    			compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpiote";
    			reg = < 0x4002f000 0x1000 >;
    			interrupts = < 0x2f 0x5 >;
    			status = "disabled";
    	pinctrl: pin-controller {
    		compatible = "nordic,nrf-pinctrl";
    		i2c1_default: i2c1_default {
    			phandle = < 0x4 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0xc0022 >, < 0xb0023 >;
    		i2c1_sleep: i2c1_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0x5 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0xc0022 >, < 0xb0023 >;
    		uart0_default: uart0_default {
    			phandle = < 0x2 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x14 >, < 0x20013 >;
    			group2 {
    				psels = < 0x10016 >, < 0x30015 >;
    		uart0_sleep: uart0_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0x3 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x14 >, < 0x10016 >, < 0x20013 >, < 0x30015 >;
    		pwm0_default: pwm0_default {
    			phandle = < 0xb >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x16001c >;
    		pwm0_sleep: pwm0_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0xc >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x16001c >;
    		qspi_default: qspi_default {
    			phandle = < 0xd >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x1d0011 >, < 0x1f000d >, < 0x20000e >, < 0x21000f >, < 0x220010 >, < 0x1e0012 >;
    				nordic,drive-mode = < 0x3 >;
    		qspi_sleep: qspi_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0xe >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x1d0011 >, < 0x1f000d >, < 0x20000e >, < 0x21000f >, < 0x220010 >;
    			group2 {
    				psels = < 0x1e0012 >;
    		uart1_default: uart1_default {
    			phandle = < 0x6 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x21 >;
    			group2 {
    				psels = < 0x10020 >;
    		uart1_sleep: uart1_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0x7 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x21 >, < 0x10020 >;
    		spi4_default: spi4_default {
    			phandle = < 0x9 >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x4002f >, < 0x6002e >, < 0x5002d >;
    		spi4_sleep: spi4_sleep {
    			phandle = < 0xa >;
    			group1 {
    				psels = < 0x4002f >, < 0x6002e >, < 0x5002d >;
    	rng_hci: entropy_bt_hci {
    		compatible = "zephyr,bt-hci-entropy";
    		status = "okay";
    	cpus {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x0 >;
    		cpu0: cpu@0 {
    			device_type = "cpu";
    			compatible = "arm,cortex-m33f";
    			reg = < 0x0 >;
    			#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    			itm: itm@e0000000 {
    				compatible = "arm,armv8m-itm";
    				reg = < 0xe0000000 0x1000 >;
    				swo-ref-frequency = < 0x3d09000 >;
    			mpu: mpu@e000ed90 {
    				compatible = "arm,armv8m-mpu";
    				reg = < 0xe000ed90 0x40 >;
    				arm,num-mpu-regions = < 0x8 >;
    	ipc {
    		ipc0: ipc0 {
    			compatible = "zephyr,ipc-openamp-static-vrings";
    			memory-region = < &sram0_shared >;
    			mboxes = < &mbox 0x0 >, < &mbox 0x1 >;
    			mbox-names = "tx", "rx";
    			role = "host";
    			status = "okay";
    	leds {
    		compatible = "gpio-leds";
    		led0: led_0 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x1c 0x1 >;
    			label = "Green LED 0";
    		led1: led_1 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x1d 0x1 >;
    			label = "Green LED 1";
    		led2: led_2 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x1e 0x1 >;
    			label = "Green LED 2";
    		led3: led_3 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x1f 0x1 >;
    			label = "Green LED 3";
    	pwmleds {
    		compatible = "pwm-leds";
    		pwm_led0: pwm_led_0 {
    			pwms = < &pwm0 0x0 0x1312d00 0x1 >;
    	buttons {
    		compatible = "gpio-keys";
    		button0: button_0 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x17 0x11 >;
    			label = "Push button 1";
    		button1: button_1 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x18 0x11 >;
    			label = "Push button 2";
    		button2: button_2 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x8 0x11 >;
    			label = "Push button 3";
    		button3: button_3 {
    			gpios = < &gpio0 0x9 0x11 >;
    			label = "Push button 4";
    	arduino_header: connector {
    		compatible = "arduino-header-r3";
    		#gpio-cells = < 0x2 >;
    		gpio-map-mask = < 0xffffffff 0xffffffc0 >;
    		gpio-map-pass-thru = < 0x0 0x3f >;
    		gpio-map = < 0x0 0x0 &gpio0 0x4 0x0 >, < 0x1 0x0 &gpio0 0x5 0x0 >, < 0x2 0x0 &gpio0 0x6 0x0 >, < 0x3 0x0 &gpio0 0x7 0x0 >, < 0x4 0x0 &gpio0 0x19 0x0 >, < 0x5 0x0 &gpio0 0x1a 0x0 >, < 0x6 0x0 &gpio1 0x0 0x0 >, < 0x7 0x0 &gpio1 0x1 0x0 >, < 0x8 0x0 &gpio1 0x4 0x0 >, < 0x9 0x0 &gpio1 0x5 0x0 >, < 0xa 0x0 &gpio1 0x6 0x0 >, < 0xb 0x0 &gpio1 0x7 0x0 >, < 0xc 0x0 &gpio1 0x8 0x0 >, < 0xd 0x0 &gpio1 0x9 0x0 >, < 0xe 0x0 &gpio1 0xa 0x0 >, < 0xf 0x0 &gpio1 0xb 0x0 >, < 0x10 0x0 &gpio1 0xc 0x0 >, < 0x11 0x0 &gpio1 0xd 0x0 >, < 0x12 0x0 &gpio1 0xe 0x0 >, < 0x13 0x0 &gpio1 0xf 0x0 >, < 0x14 0x0 &gpio1 0x2 0x0 >, < 0x15 0x0 &gpio1 0x3 0x0 >;
    		phandle = < 0x8 >;
    	arduino_adc: analog-connector {
    		compatible = "arduino,uno-adc";
    		#io-channel-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		io-channel-map = < 0x0 &adc 0x0 >, < 0x1 &adc 0x1 >, < 0x2 &adc 0x2 >, < 0x3 &adc 0x3 >, < 0x4 &adc 0x4 >, < 0x5 &adc 0x5 >;
    	gpio_fwd: nrf-gpio-forwarder {
    		compatible = "nordic,nrf-gpio-forwarder";
    		status = "okay";
    		uart {
    			gpios = < &gpio1 0x1 0x0 >, < &gpio1 0x0 0x0 >, < &gpio0 0xb 0x0 >, < &gpio0 0xa 0x0 >;
    	reserved-memory {
    		#address-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		#size-cells = < 0x1 >;
    		sram0_image: image@20000000 {
    			reg = < 0x20000000 0x70000 >;
    		sram0_s: image_s@20000000 {
    			reg = < 0x20000000 0x40000 >;
    		sram0_ns: image_ns@20040000 {
    			reg = < 0x20040000 0x30000 >;
    		sram0_shared: memory@20070000 {
    			reg = < 0x20070000 0x10000 >;
    			phandle = < 0xf >;
