Failed to reading readback protection status for application core core


Using the nrf Connect Programmamer v4.2.0, I get the following error when connecting to J-Link on some of my custom boards (about 30%):

Error: Failed with exit code 1. Failed to device info one or more devices: * 801049915: [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
Reading readback protection status for Application core
Failed to reading readback protection status for application core core. Error: [object Object], message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
When I run nrfjprog --recover --log, this is the output:
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 236 milliseconds with result -102
ERROR: Unable to connect to a debugger.
[error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.
Parents Reply
  • Hmmm, my situation seemed to be more complex. I have a brand new laptop HP Spectre. It has a clean install of windows 11 latest version.

    When nRFConnect for desktop was installed it produced all the errors that are mentioned above. I tried everything, change cables, change DK's multiple times.

    Finally resorted to using an older machine running windiows 10 which worked fine.

    I noticed when Device Manager was opened that when the DK was connected something called BULK opened up, which had a question mark beside it and complained that it had no drivers.

    Hmmm, what to do?

    I desided to reinstall jlink using the default parameters, that didn't work, same result as before.

    Then did it again and noticed that there was an option to "Install legacy USB Drivers", which I checked.

    Hooray that actually worked.

    I'm hoping that no one else has to go through the grief of trying to create a brand new machine, because it won't work without this step. I would guess that successive updates to windows 11 on a preinstalled machine may be fine as the drivers may altready be installed.

    Hope this helps.
