How to send .bin file in custom bootloader?

Hello everyone!

I work on custom bootloader over spi. As a starting point I took nrf_dfu_ble example, this tutorial and this example for spis bootloader (I need spi in master mode). With nrfutill I created .zip file with test app I try to understand how to send it over SPI. I added logs to nrf_dfu_ble example to dump packets and for comparison with .dat and .bin files. And use NrfConnect app on my mobile phone to send app to the PCA10040 board.

So at this point I can validate app using .dat file. It sends in raw format:

But then I look at next packets and I'm a little confused. The packets I see in logs:

But .bin file of app looks like this:

So the question is how to send app correctly? My test app:

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