qspi_nor: Failed to schedule device sleep: -16


I'm using nrf toolchain/sdk 2.5.2.

Got a strange problem with my QSPI NOR flash interface.  when i run flash_erase i get error message "qspi_nor: Failed to schedule device sleep: -16" pretty much immediately. but the flash does seem to erase correctly.

in func qspi_erase() in nrf_qspi_nor.c if i put a breakpoint on ln689 which calls qspi_device_uninit(dev) and wait for 20+ seconds i do not receive the error. This corresponds roughly with whole long a full flash erase takes for my mx25r0835f flash chip. It looks like the qspi drivers aren't waiting for the flash to actually erase before deinit?

qspi_wait_for_completion returns immediately if that is relevant?

Any idea how i can resolve this issue?



call to flash_erase, where flash_dev points to the dts device below, address=0 and size = 1048576

return flash_erase(flash_dev, address, size);

Relevant section of my dts:

&qspi {
    compatible= "nordic,nrf-qspi";
    status = "okay";
    pinctrl-0 = <&qspi_default>;
    pinctrl-1 = <&qspi_sleep>;
    pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    mx25r08: mx25r0835f@0 {
        compatible = "nordic,qspi-nor";
        reg = <0>;
        sck-frequency = <50000000>;
        jedec-id = [ c2 28 14  ];
        size = <0x0800000>; /* flash capacity in bits */
        t-enter-dpd = <10000>;
        t-exit-dpd = <35000>;
Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Sigurd,

     I wanted to revisit this to see if we can come up with a solution.

    I had originally wanted to create a hack for this by adding a sleep to the function qspi_erase in v2.6.0\zephyr\drivers\flash\nrf_qspi_nor.c but it did not like me using k_sleep() inside that file.

    Since then there have been some updates to the nrf sdk and i can now modify the function to be as follows:

    /* QSPI erase */
    static int qspi_erase(const struct device *dev, uint32_t addr, uint32_t size)
    	const struct qspi_nor_config *params = dev->config;
    	int rc, rc2;
    	rc = qspi_nor_write_protection_set(dev, false);
    	if (rc != 0) {
    		return rc;
    	while (size > 0) {
    		nrfx_err_t res = !NRFX_SUCCESS;
    		uint32_t adj = 0;
    		if (size == params->size) {
    			/* chip erase */
    			res = nrfx_qspi_chip_erase();
    			adj = size;
    		} else if ((size >= QSPI_BLOCK_SIZE) &&
    			   QSPI_IS_BLOCK_ALIGNED(addr)) {
    			/* 64 kB block erase */
    			res = nrfx_qspi_erase(NRF_QSPI_ERASE_LEN_64KB, addr);
    			adj = QSPI_BLOCK_SIZE;
    		} else if ((size >= QSPI_SECTOR_SIZE) &&
    			   QSPI_IS_SECTOR_ALIGNED(addr)) {
    			/* 4kB sector erase */
    			res = nrfx_qspi_erase(NRF_QSPI_ERASE_LEN_4KB, addr);
    			adj = QSPI_SECTOR_SIZE;
    		} else {
    			/* minimal erase size is at least a sector size */
    			LOG_ERR("unsupported at 0x%lx size %zu", (long)addr, size);
    		qspi_wait_for_completion(dev, res);
    		if (res == NRFX_SUCCESS) {
    			addr += adj;
    			size -= adj;
    		} else {
    			LOG_ERR("erase error at 0x%lx size %zu", (long)addr, size);
    			rc = qspi_get_zephyr_ret_code(res);
    	rc2 = qspi_nor_write_protection_set(dev, true);
    	return rc != 0 ? rc : rc2;

    My change is  adding k_sleep(K_MSEC(20000)); right before the line

    qspi_wait_for_completion(dev, res);

    This is fine for local build but we release our firmware using Github Actions for CI. This uses the nrf docker image found at https://github.com/NordicPlayground/nrf-docker for building and so i can't add my fix because it is in the sdk files themselves.

    so i'm stuck in an annoying position where i have to release a special, locally compiled firmware with the fix -> run it on the board once, then flash the proper firmware that our CI workflow generates.

    This makes our production quite complicated and i'd much rather not do it.

    Do you have any idea when this bug will be fixed and if there are any workarounds i can do in the meantime?

  • Hi Rob,

    robsrick said:

    There is a bug in this driver in v2.6.0 we are looking into internally.
    I do not know if it is the same you refer to here, but we should fix the one I mention first.
    I will let you know when a PR is released for this, so you can see what it is about

  • Sigurd Hellesvik said:
    I will let you know when a PR is released for this, so you can see what it is about

    No PR yet, but the issue is explained at  spi_flash is not running on nRF5340DK out of box 

    But as you can see, one the external flash works, it should continue working so I do not think it is related to what you see. So let's have a look at this ticket as is then

  • Reading through your newest comment I dont quite understand, and I think it is because it is so long since I last looked at this ticket.

    Could you explain what the bug you are trying to fix is again?
    There are so many comments here so it would be good if I do not have to read and understand it all again

  • basically, erasing my external flash on qspi takes like 20-30 seconds according to the datasheet but the SDK doesn't actually wait, it just returns instantly. this puts it in a bad state where it becomes unresponsive when the SDK is expecting it to respond and the only way i can fix it is either sticking a breakpoint before qspi_wait_for_completion(dev, res); or sleeping for sometime before then.
