Hello Sir,
when we are doing the flash write and read operation,the read function works well but while reading the we got hard fault.What is the reason for it .our ld script and used APIs are shown below.

Here we are using memcopy function to read from co6763.template_gcc_nrf52.ldrresponding address.

Write and read APIs used
 nrf_nvmc_write_words(ADDRESS, &data, 1);
memcpy(&data, ADDRESS, sizeof(data))

Parents Reply
  • Hi Sadiya, 
    I assume you meant nRF5 SDK , not nRFSDK ? correct ? 

    Could you try printing out the LogCount value and the location of LOG_DATA_ADDRESS. 

    I am not so sure you can do a flash read of more than one page at a time. 

    If you do a simple 1 byte read with memcpy from a location in flash do you see the issue ? 

    I don't think the BMD-380-A-R  has anything to do with the issue. But you can try to verify if you see the same problem with the nRF52840 DK ? 
