Hello Nordic support team,
I am developing a custom board that includes 3 sensors on the I2C-bus (Analog Devices Max86150, Bosch BME280, Würth WSDN-ITDS) . I am using a nRF52840DK with external sensor evaluation boards. In the developmentkit there are no pull-ups on SDA and SCL active. So I am using external pull-ups (10k). I am supplying the sensors with 1,8V. And use the external pull-ups to pull the voltage on the I2C bus to the same voltage. As a compatible I am using TWIM. (With TWI the pull-ups just stay on...)
My issue now: On my custom board, when I flash it with the build config of my developmentkit the pull-ups are suddenly active (yes I know I should have a custom build config as well, but with the custom build config nothing really works). I have not configured it like this. When I turn them off in the pincontrol file, I am getting "Error occured for message 0". As far as I know this indicates a hardware issue. I looked at the bus in a scope and logic analyser and there is also no communication.
The custom board uses a Raytec nRF52840 module (MDBT50Q-1MV2 Chip Antenna). The module is supplied with 3,3V. External Pull-Ups pull to 1,8V. I have used 4,7k resistors in my custom board for the pull-ups.
Why are the pull-ups even active? When they are not in my developmentkit with the same build? And why does it work on the development kit and not with my custom board even if everything is the same?
Could it be that 1,8V is not enough for a good enough communication? But then why does this work in the DK?