HX711 library for nRF52832

Hello fellow developers!

I am currently working on a scale application using the nRF52 DK, and I've run into a roadblock regarding the integration of the HX711 load cell amplifier.
My project is based on the nRF SDK version 17.1.0.

After an extensive search, I stumbled upon the "olkal/HX711_ADC" library designed for Arduino. I successfully tested this library in an Arduino project, and it worked flawlessly.
However, when attempting to adapt the Arduino code to nRF SDK-compatible code, I encountered issues in reading values from the HX711.

I'm reaching out to the community to inquire whether anyone has experience using the HX711 with an nRF52 application using SDK17.1.0. Specifically, I am seeking information on any libraries that are compatible with this SDK version or if there are alternative approaches to implementing HX711 functionality.

If anyone has a working example or code snippet that demonstrates how to integrate the HX711 into an nRF52 project using SDK17.1.0, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. Sharing your expertise or pointing me in the right direction would be immensely helpful in overcoming this obstacle.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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