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the problem of 51822 and 24l10P's communication

Hi, I want to use 51822 to communication with 24l01,the 24l01 module is transmit temperature data, the 51822 is used to read the data from the 24l01.I set the parameters of the communication as follows: In the 24l01p, they all work in the radio module.the address is: addrofch[0] = 0xe7; addrofch[1] = 0x7e; addrofch[2] = 0xe3; addrofch[3] = 0x0; addrofch[4] = 0x0; the transfer data is 8 bytes long, the rate is 1M ,the power is 0dbm,the CRC is 2 Bytes.the frequncy is 9. In the 51822,I set the same parameters as follows. NRF_RADIO->TXPOWER = (RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_0dBm << RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_Pos); NRF_RADIO->FREQUENCY = 9UL;
NRF_RADIO->MODE = (RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_1Mbit << RADIO_MODE_MODE_Pos); NRF_RADIO->PREFIX0 = ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC3) << 24) | ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC2) << 16) | ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC1) << 8)
| ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xE7) << 0); NRF_RADIO->PREFIX1 = ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC7) << 24) | ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC6) << 16) | ((uint32_t)swap_bits(0xC4) << 0); NRF_RADIO->BASE0 = bytewise_bitswap(0x7ee30000UL); NRF_RADIO->BASE1 = bytewise_bitswap(0x89ABCDEFUL);
Now ,I configure the same address, the 51822 can receive data and the data can be output by UART. However,there is still a problem confused me,in the 51822 ,I set like this: if (NRF_RADIO->CRCSTATUS == 1U) { nrf_gpio_pin_set(11); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { rbuf[i]=packet[i]; } simple_uart_putstring(rbuf); } I find that,in the whole progress, the NRF_RADIO->CRCSTATUS==0 all the time.why the CRCSTATUS==0?If they can communicate, the CRCSTATUS==1 is right, is it ture? please give me an explanation, thank you!

  • @Linda: Could you upload your code ? Could you verify that the L01 is configured with matched CRC ? In the example I sent you in the other case, output on RX is only executed when there is CRC matched and I found no problem with the nRR24LE1.

    One more note, when you post question with code, could you please use "Code" feature in the tool bar so that it's easier to read ?

  • Hi, Thank you for your help.Now I have another confusion.In my case, I can't verify the parameters of the 24l01, as it has been a product as a tag. Now I verify the parameters in the 51822 to match the 24l01.In the 24l01 the CRC is two bytes.Now in the 51822 I configure the CRC is two bytes too. where can I configure else?please tell me,thank you!

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