Mesh back and forth seems to break connection


We have one customer having two CoAP hosts and some CoAP clients in the form of wireless sensors. The sensors are paired to a single host. The pairing is actually in the app level, where the sensor discovers the network IP of the host in pairing host. All the devices have the same PANID and network key.

Recently we have seen a scenario where some sensors seemingly stopped communication with the paired host. By looking at the RSSI graphs, we thought is this caused by a sensor constantly swinging back and forth between two hosts (one host acting as a router). We dont have access to the CLI interface of the hosts as this is a remote site. We see the Sensor RSSI reported back. This is its RSSI with the router/leader immediately connected to at the time.  

Any ideas?



Parents Reply Children
  • Can you see in the sniffer trace when this happens? (I can't). Also, does the logs say anything? Either from the devices dropping out or it's parents?


  • Hi Edvin,

    Unfortunately this log was captured after we saw the sensors are no longer sending data. The sensors used to work fine for about 3-4 months. So this is an extreme random and rare case. Now we have set up the debug console to the host radio and the wireshark sniffer permanently in the same place to see if we can capture when it happens.

    Under what conditions the Leader/Router drop a child from its child table?



  • kaushalyasat said:

    Under what conditions the Leader/Router drop a child from its child table?

    It should only be if it stops responding, or if either the child or the parent issues a leave command for the child. I guess you are not intentionally requesting the child to leave, so my guess is that the child becomes unresponsive. Perhaps the application crashes. The logs will probably say something when it happens. You can also test this by simulating this scenario, e.g. by powering off the parent, and monitor the child node's log. 


  • Hi Edvin,

    I am trying to implement Child supervision in hope that will help. Unfortunately the documentation is not very clear to me. It is mentioned to enable 'OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CHILD_SUPERVISION_ENABLE', which is defined in child_supervision.h in SDK. I dont think changing SDK content is a good idea as if the SDK is updated, we will loose all that. 

    1. Is there a way to implement child supervision from application side?

    2. What is to be done from FTD side?

    3. What is to be done from SED side?



  • Hi Edvin,

    We have WDT implemented in the client, so unlikely the sensor crashes. The sensors as they are battery powered devices, have the console disabled. I think we can have special build with consoles enabled just for this.


