nRF52810 Blinky Example Not Running After Flash Without Debugger

I am new to nRF chips and currently working with the nRF52810. I am developing with nRF Connect SDK and VSCode.

I have encountered an issue with the Blinky example (ncs\v2.5.1\zephyr\samples\basic\blinky). The program builds and flashes successfully, but it only seems to run when I start the debugger. The LED changes as expected in debug mode, indicating that the program is running. However, when I try to run the chip standalone, there is no observable behavior, suggesting that the program may not be running at all.

This issue occurs regardless of whether I use the "Flash" button in the VSCode plugin or if I directly flash the compiled .hex file to the chip using J-Link tools.

Thank you for your assistance.

  • What were the optimization levels you used? It might be possible that changing the optimization level in the compiler (or chose optimize for debugging?).

    Compiling the project shows that there is ample flash and ram size left. So I am guessing it should work. Probably change the CONFIG_MAIN_STACK_SIZE value (increase/Decrease) to see if it effects.

    I do not have a 810DK at hand but I can test this later this week to see if that sample works out of the box on the latest sdk for me.

  • When using the combination of Keil5 and nRF5_SDK, everything works as expected (for reference, the example used is `nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560\examples\peripheral\blinky\pca10040e\blank\arm5_no_packs\blinky_pca10040e.uvprojx`). Moreover, if I take the .hex file compiled by Keil and flash it to the chip using a different method, the chip still operates correctly.

    This leads me to suspect that the issues may be related to differences in how various SDKs handle the chip's initialization. Do you have any insights into these discrepancies and how they might affect the operation?

    Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • When using the combination of Keil5 and nRF5_SDK, everything works as expected (for reference, the example used is `nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560\examples\peripheral\blinky\pca10040e\blank\arm5_no_packs\blinky_pca10040e.uvprojx`). Moreover, if I take the .hex file compiled by Keil and flash it to the chip using a different method, the chip still operates correctly.

    This leads me to suspect that the issues may be related to differences in how various SDKs handle the chip's initialization. Do you have any insights into these discrepancies and how they might affect the operation?

    Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your assistance.

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