BLE Multirole LESC Example Doesn't work on SDK 17.1.0

Hello everyone. I tried to run the ble_app_multirole_lesc example on SDK 17.1.0. But it seems that the App can't Initialize Successfully. I opened the Logs and Found "fatal error" log after initializing the RTC. I thought that the download button in Keil has some issues. So, I erased the whole flash and flashed the example hex and the soft device 7.2.0 exists with the same SDK. And got the same log. So, I build the same app from SDK 16.0.0 and flashed it with this SDK Soft device 7.0.1 and it worked normally. Then I changed the soft device to the same version in SDK 17.1.0 (SD 7.2.0) and it worked as well. Note: I compared the Keil projects for the same example in both SDK and found that the following changes 1. SDK 16.0.0 uses Oberon library version 3.0.1 while SDK 17.1.0 uses Oberon library version 3.0.8 2. SDK 16.0.0 uses nrf_cc310 library version 0.9.12 while SDK 17.1.0 nrf_cc310 library version 0.9.13

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