Hi, I encountered an issue where I used modem_info_params_get() to retrieve and print various SIM values.
The ICCID value which can be of various length, contained an additional garbage character for me.
Expected a 18 digit value, but got 19 where the final "1" did not belong to the registered ICCID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1
Fixed this locally in my project by just memcpy to extract the 18 correct values, but thought I'd mention it here in case anyone else wonder why the printed ICCID is invalid.
Didn't look too closely on this, but ICCID in modem_info is of type AT_PARAM_TYPE_STRING and variable length 18-22 char, so I assumed the issue occurred somewhere in this handling, and moved on with my hotfix.
Tested on sdk-nrf v2.5.0 with nRF9160-DK and iBasis SIM card.