I have a pretty hard time to get I2C/TWI running on my 52832 Dev-board (pca 10036). My problem is, that i do not get any physical I2C signal out of the board's pins. I tried nordic's TWI master/slave example from the SDK 0.9.2, shortened the relevant pins, with no success. Then I wrote a minimal TWI test programm. E.g.:
const nrf_drv_twi_t p_twi_instance = NRF_DRV_TWI_INSTANCE(1);
ret_code = nrf_drv_twi_init(&p_twi_instance, &p_twi_config, twi_event_handler); // Initiate twi driver with instance and configuration values
APP_ERROR_CHECK(ret_code); // Check for errors in return value
nrf_drv_twi_enable(&p_twi_instance); // Enable the TWI instance
// Send dummy data on TWI buss on address 0x68
ret_code = nrf_drv_twi_tx(&p_twi_instance, address, &dummy_data, 1, false);
and handle the twi event:
// TWI event handler. Processing TWI events originating from
// nrf_drv_twi_tx()
static void twi_event_handler(nrf_drv_twi_evt_t *evt){
if(evt->type == NRF_DRV_TWI_ERROR)
/* Error 2 is
* NACK received after sending the address.
* as defined in nrf_twi.h
* So I guess I don't get any response from my external device.
if(evt->type == NRF_DRV_TWI_TX_DONE)
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"TWI event success ...\r\n");
The TWI is initiated without any error and the program runs fine, but in the event handler I always get a NRF_DRV_TWI_ERROR, regardless of the TWI slaves.
Then i attached my Saleae Logic Analyzer into the TWI bus with 10K Ohm pull-up resistors to see, if there are any logic signals. But neither for SCL nor SCA pins was any signal detected.
Then I probed every pin on the 52832 Dev-Board with the logic analyzer, just to make sure I don't have misconfigured pins, but i could not get any signal on any pin.
Next I probed the logic analyzer with a 51822 board, and with this board I can see the SCL and SCA signals, so the logic analyzer is working correctly.
So, is TWI (nrf_drv_twi.c, etc.) working on a 52832 Dev-board?
Any idea, why I don't even get the TWI clock signal on the pin?
Is my board maybe physically damaged?
Any help is greatly appreciated! Yours Johannes