Thingy:53: Programming

Requesting help on Thingy:53.
I have couple of boards. I was able to program all of them. For programming I use VSCode or prgrammer with precompiled firmware.
Now, scene enters Thingy:53. I have tried all methods of programming. VSCode & Programmer (hex) & Programmer (MCU bootloader).
None of them ever did start BLE module. I seem to have device connected, just not able to program it.
I can see device when I connect via cable & nRF52DK. Meaning Updating through external debug probe. Meaning using 10-pin 2x5 socket-socket 1.27 mm IDC Serial Wire Debug (SWD).
I cannot see bootloader in programmer, as described Bootloader Thingy:53.
I carefully followed instructions from
Screens show I tried using precompiled downloadable firmware.
None helped.
What I might be doing wrong?
Using nrfutil-device version: 2.0.3
Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.3
Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.23.1
Using JLink version: JLink_V7.88j
  • Hi Yurii, sorry for the delay.

    helsing said:

    Connect nRF5340 DK via USB and Thingy:53 connected via debug cable (powered by USB and turned on). Download the attached merged.hex and program it the following way.

    nrfjprog -f NRF53 --program merged.hex --chiperase --verify --reset

    Have you downloaded and flashed the exact same file that I uploaded? If that one works while yours does not, then there is likely an issue with the way you built something on your end. If it still does not work with this file, there may be something wrong either with the device or something goes wrong when you are flashing it.

    Yurii_B said:
    Any other ways to check if board itself is ok? That all boot components are there?

    Here is one way to verify that the device has a bootloader:

    1. Open nRF Connect for Desktop -> Programmer
    2. Connect Thingy:53 and nRF52840 DK as in the image you uploaded.
      Yurii_B said:
    3. Turn the thingy off. Turn on the DK.
    4. Then press and hold SW2 (marked in pink, located next to SW3) while flipping SW1 to 'on''.
    5. Verify that "Bootloader Thingy:53" is visible in Programmer. This indicates a bootlader is present.