Chiptool to configure the matter devices with google nest hub

Google home does not expose binding cluster, I Was thinking of creating binding through chip tool. Please help with following 

1.  Can chiptool work with google nest as a border router?

2. Would it work if the binding is created through chiptool after comissioning wih google home app

3. Any suggestions o. How to create binding with google home app?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Mahesh,

    We do not have any examples showing how to send a binding command, but we do show how to send messages from one device to another using binding. You can find this in both the Light Switch and Thermostat samples, specifically in the binding_handler files.

    Setting up binding is done by first writing to the ACL attribute of the Access Control cluster, to add correct access control entry for the remote device. After this, the binding is set up by writing to the Binding attribute in the Binding cluster. So you can implement writing to these attributes.

    Best regards,

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