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SVC Handler Missing

I am trying to get the Heart Rate example in the nRF51 SDK to work (found in ...nrf51822/board/nrf6310/ble/ble_app_hrs). It fails at line 338 in main.c (at the call sd_ble_gap_device_name_set) with an error code of 1, which, according to nrf_error.h, is a "SVC Handler is Missing".

Here is my setup:

Windows 7, Keil uVision V5.05.15, nRF51 SDK: version v5_0_0_34603 Softdevice: s110_nrf51822_5.2.1 Board: PCA10005

I believe I have followed the User Guide exactly. I have not made any changes to the source code or the project settings. I was careful to program the softdevice with nRFgo Studio, before using Keil to flash the application. I also tried allowing nRFgo Studio to flash both the application and the softdevice.

I have even tried using a GNU tool chain from the command line, and also allowing Eclipse to build the application per the nAN-29 document. All efforts lead to the same error being returned from line 338 in main.c.

I am stuck. Any help at this point would be very welcome.

Thank You Dal

  • This is the error you will get if you use the wrong softdevice version with the wrong header files.

    As stated in the release notes of SDK 5.0.0, it's built for S110 6.0.0, and if you try to use it with 5.2.1, you will see this error. If you want to stay on 5.2.1 (although I can't really see any reason why you would), you should also stay at SDK version 4.4.2 (or possibly later ones in the 4.x.y series).

    You can access old versions of downloads by clicking on the version number in the download list on our regular web site.

  • This is the error you will get if you use the wrong softdevice version with the wrong header files.

    As stated in the release notes of SDK 5.0.0, it's built for S110 6.0.0, and if you try to use it with 5.2.1, you will see this error. If you want to stay on 5.2.1 (although I can't really see any reason why you would), you should also stay at SDK version 4.4.2 (or possibly later ones in the 4.x.y series).

    You can access old versions of downloads by clicking on the version number in the download list on our regular web site.
