HCI Driver open failed - NRF5340


We have been successfully developing and debugging an NRF5340 application for many months now. We have been logging data over BLE as well, so we know that was working. However, we recently started getting an error when trying to start the Bluetooth which seems to be unrecoverable. The specific failure point occurs in the call to bt_dev.drv->open() in hci_core.c. Following this down into the function call, I get a failure at these lines within rpmsg.c:

err = k_sem_take(&ipc_bound_sem, IPC_BOUND_TIMEOUT_IN_MS);
if (err) {
    BT_ERR("Endpoint binding failed with %d", err);
    return err;
I tried recovering the network and application cores with the nrfjprog command line tools. They seem to complete successfully, but it doesn't solve the problem.
One (potentially) important point - we recently tried implementing a shutdown feature that calls:
pm_state_set(PM_STATE_SOFT_OFF, 0);
After this was called is when the problem started. I don't know if it is related or not, but reading through some other threads, it seems like maybe the network core Flash could have been corrupted...? But if so, why don't the recover commands work? These should be completely erasing Flash, correct?
Any help is greatly appreciated. We are under a tight timeline and this error has introduced a major instability in the code base.
Thank you,