Nordic DevZone Forum - Q&A from the last century


I search the Internet for solutions to NCS/Zephyr problems more often than I have a hot breakfast. Many times I find answers for questions that were asked 7 and 9 years ago. What's the point of keeping these online? The relevancy of this information is absolute bang on zero. I mean 9 years ago... we probably didn't even have Internet, right? Even a 2 year old answer is probably totally outdated, as many many configs and subsystems have fundamentally changed.

And decent documentation (not some auto-generated stuff from comments) would be nice. I would even pay subscription for that.

  • Hello,

    I search the Internet for solutions to NCS/Zephyr problems more often than I have a hot breakfast. Many times I find answers for questions that were asked 7 and 9 years ago. What's the point of keeping these online? The relevancy of this information is absolute bang on zero. I mean 9 years ago... we probably didn't even have Internet, right? Even a 2 year old answer is probably totally outdated, as many many configs and subsystems have fundamentally changed.

    I concur that the relevancy of older questions drop off over time, but still many of our customers are working with the nRF5 SDK and so the old answers and questions are still useful to them.

    We also recognize that this could be troublesome for developers searching for an answer to a question that appears in both SDKs, and so we are currently working on creating a separation between questions for the two SDKs, so that they are more easily navigated and searched.

    And decent documentation (not some auto-generated stuff from comments) would be nice. I would even pay subscription for that.

    Fortunately you can instead just ask us directly here in DevZone and get specific answers for your exact question and/or issue, for free! :D

    Best regards,

  • Hello,

    I search the Internet for solutions to NCS/Zephyr problems more often than I have a hot breakfast. Many times I find answers for questions that were asked 7 and 9 years ago. What's the point of keeping these online? The relevancy of this information is absolute bang on zero. I mean 9 years ago... we probably didn't even have Internet, right? Even a 2 year old answer is probably totally outdated, as many many configs and subsystems have fundamentally changed.

    I concur that the relevancy of older questions drop off over time, but still many of our customers are working with the nRF5 SDK and so the old answers and questions are still useful to them.

    We also recognize that this could be troublesome for developers searching for an answer to a question that appears in both SDKs, and so we are currently working on creating a separation between questions for the two SDKs, so that they are more easily navigated and searched.

    And decent documentation (not some auto-generated stuff from comments) would be nice. I would even pay subscription for that.

    Fortunately you can instead just ask us directly here in DevZone and get specific answers for your exact question and/or issue, for free! :D

    Best regards,

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