Trouble getting to break point on first line of hello world

I am having trouble getting to a break point on the first line of code in main.  Tried both blinky LED and hello world examples. Using Visual Code and NCS ver v2.5.2.   I am using a NORA-B126 (nrf5340) module. Here is a screenshot of where it stops.  I have "Optimize for debugging (-Og) set as the optimization level. I am building an Non Secure app. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hello,


    Based on your stack trace, you're stuck awaiting for the LFCLK.

    By default, the external 32k lfclk is selected, and if your design does not have an external lfclk, it'll hang.

    Try setting "CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_RC=y" and see if it starts up properly afterwards.

     PS: when using multi-image build, hci_rpmsg and mcuboot, you should also add this to the respective configuration. This is done by creating child_images/mcuboot.conf and child_images/hci_rpmsg.conf and adding your configuration.


    Kind regards,


  • Hello,


    Based on your stack trace, you're stuck awaiting for the LFCLK.

    By default, the external 32k lfclk is selected, and if your design does not have an external lfclk, it'll hang.

    Try setting "CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_RC=y" and see if it starts up properly afterwards.

     PS: when using multi-image build, hci_rpmsg and mcuboot, you should also add this to the respective configuration. This is done by creating child_images/mcuboot.conf and child_images/hci_rpmsg.conf and adding your configuration.


    Kind regards,

