Why am I getting freeze behavior of temperature sensor reading values with thread creation here?

Windows 10,  Zephyr version: 3.3.99 (C:/ncs/v2.4.2/zephyr)

Tools:  I am using Zephyr, Vscode with nrf52dk and temperature sensor stts751.

freezing behavior or constant values from sensor when I pass thread0 to K_THREAD_DEFINE

usual behavior of the sensor while passing temp_data to K_THREAD_DEFINE.

temp_data is split in to two functions temp_sensor_init() and tem_sensor_read() in thread0 and I am getting this former response. I was unable to understand why!

 * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
/* STEP 3 - Include the header file of the I2C API */
#include <zephyr/drivers/i2c.h>

/* STEP 4.1 - Include the header file of printk() */
#include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>

/* 1000 msec = 1 sec */
#define SLEEP_TIME_MS   1000

/* STEP 8 - Define the I2C slave device address and the addresses of relevant registers */
#define STTS751_TEMP_HIGH_REG            0x00
#define STTS751_TEMP_LOW_REG             0x02
#define STTS751_CONFIG_REG               0x03
#define STTS751_CONV_REG                 0x04
#define STTS751_STATUS_REG               0x01

#define PRIORITY 7

#define STACKSIZE 1024

/* STEP 6 - Get the node identifier of the sensor */
#define I2C0_NODE DT_NODELABEL(mysensor)

static const struct i2c_dt_spec dev_i2c = I2C_DT_SPEC_GET(I2C0_NODE);

void temp_data(void);

float value;

            void temp_data(void)
            int ret;

            /* STEP 7 - Retrieve the API-specific device structure and make sure that the device is ready to use  */
            // static const struct i2c_dt_spec dev_i2c = I2C_DT_SPEC_GET(I2C0_NODE);
            if (!device_is_ready(dev_i2c.bus)) {
                printk("I2C bus %s is not ready!\n\r",dev_i2c.bus->name);

            /* STEP 9 - Setup the sensor by writing the value 0x8C to the Configuration register */
            uint8_t config[2] = {STTS751_CONFIG_REG,0x8C};
                ret = i2c_write_dt(&dev_i2c, config, sizeof(config));
                if(ret != 0){
                    printk("Failed to write to I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \n", dev_i2c.addr,config[0]);


            /* STEP 10 - Read the temperature from the sensor */
            uint8_t temp_reading[2]= {0};
            uint8_t sensor_regs[2] ={STTS751_TEMP_LOW_REG,STTS751_TEMP_HIGH_REG};
            ret = i2c_write_read_dt(&dev_i2c,&sensor_regs[0],1,&temp_reading[0],1);
            if(ret != 0){
                printk("Failed to write/read I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \r\n", dev_i2c.addr,sensor_regs[0]);
            ret = i2c_write_read_dt(&dev_i2c,&sensor_regs[1],1,&temp_reading[1],1);
            if(ret != 0){
                printk("Failed to write/read I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \r\n", dev_i2c.addr,sensor_regs[1]);

            /* STEP 11 - Convert the two bytes to a 12-bits */
            int temp = ((int)temp_reading[1] * 256 + ((int)temp_reading[0] & 0xF0)) / 16;
            if(temp > 2047)
                temp -= 4096;

            // Convert to engineering units
            double cTemp = temp * 0.0625;
            double fTemp = cTemp * 1.8 + 32;


            //Print reading to console  
            printk("Temperature in Celsius : %.2f C \n", value);
            printk("Temperature in Fahrenheit : %.2f F \n", fTemp);


            void temp_sensor_init(void)
            // #define SLEEP_TIME_MS   1000

            /* STEP 8 - Define the I2C slave device address and the addresses of relevant registers */

            /* STEP 6 - Get the node identifier of the sensor */

                int ret=0;

            uint8_t temp_status_reading=0;
            uint8_t status_reg[1]={STTS751_STATUS_REG};

            /* STEP 7 - Retrieve the API-specific device structure and make sure that the device is ready to use  */

            if (!device_is_ready(dev_i2c.bus)) {
                // printk("I2C bus %s is not ready!\n\r",dev_i2c.bus->name);

            /* STEP 9 - Setup the sensor by writing the value 0x8C to the Configuration register */
            uint8_t config1[2] = {STTS751_CONFIG_REG,0x8C};
                ret = i2c_write_dt(&dev_i2c, config1, sizeof(config1));
                if(ret != 0){
                    // printk("Failed to write to I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \n", dev_i2c.addr,config[0]);

                uint8_t config2[2] = {STTS751_CONV_REG,0x08};
                ret = i2c_write_dt(&dev_i2c, config2, sizeof(config2));
                if(ret != 0){
                    // printk("Failed to write to I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \n", dev_i2c.addr,config[0]);


            float tem_sensor_read(void)

    int ret;


/* STEP 10 - Read the temperature from the sensor */
        uint8_t temp_reading[2]= {0};
        uint8_t sensor_regs[2] ={STTS751_TEMP_LOW_REG,STTS751_TEMP_HIGH_REG};
        ret = i2c_write_read_dt(&dev_i2c,&sensor_regs[0],1,&temp_reading[0],1);
        if(ret != 0){
        // printk("Failed to write/read I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \r\n", dev_i2c.addr,sensor_regs[0]);
        ret = i2c_write_read_dt(&dev_i2c,&sensor_regs[1],1,&temp_reading[1],1);
        if(ret != 0){
            // printk("Failed to write/read I2C device address %x at Reg. %x \r\n", dev_i2c.addr,sensor_regs[1]);

/* STEP 11 - Convert the two bytes to a 12-bits */
        int temp = ((int)temp_reading[1] * 256 + ((int)temp_reading[0] & 0xF0))/16;
        if(temp > 2047)
            temp -= 4096;

        // Convert to engineering units
        float cTemp = temp * 0.0625;
        float fTemp = cTemp * 1.8 + 32;

        printk("thread says fix this boy\n");
        printk("t: is %f:\n",cTemp);

 return cTemp;


void thread0(void)
    float val;
    while (1) {
          /* STEP 3 - Call printk() to display a simple string "Hello, I am thread0" */
          printk("Hello, I am thread0\n");
         printk("hm temp_sensor: is %f:\n",val);
          /* STEP 10 - Put the thread to sleep */
          /* Remember to comment out the line from STEP 6 */

 K_THREAD_DEFINE(send_humidity_thread_id, STACKSIZE, thread0, NULL,  NULL,
        NULL, PRIORITY, 0, 1000);

Can anyone with thread creation and design aspect ,help me with debugging this issue, I am kind of stuck here for some time.

Any constructive insights would be deeply appreciated.

   Could you suggest some thing here on the same? I could see that you have provided suggestions on similar topics to many.

Best regards,


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