Flashing nRF5340 using PyOCD. Works with both cores with CMSIS-DAP

This not a question.  It is for your information (FYI).  I've seen many questions about flashing the nRF53 using CMSIS-DAP.  Anyone interested see attached instructions.

The instructions uses the IDAP-Link, a CMSIS-DAP probe available at mouser.  https://www.mouser.ca/ProductDetail/I-SYST/CS-BLYST-08?qs=T3oQrply3y%252BhSfpc3hK%2FLg%3D%3D 

It is also available here : https://www.tindie.com/products/hnhoan/cmsis-dap-arm-debug-jtagswd-microsd-drag-drop/

It should work with other CMSIS-DAP probe but have not tested.


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