BT Mesh heartbeat issues in nrf52840

Dear All:

I have followed the procedure as shown in the following to make a Mesh heartbeat application.  

I started with the example of ligtht switch client and server for SDK v.17.0.2/Mesh v.5.0.0. 

However, the server did not receive any heartbeat message from the client. I wonder if anyone can tell what the problem should be. 

We also use the nrf mesh app to provision the two mesh nodes as the follows.

The address of client is 0x0095 and The address of sever is 0x0098.

Then I configure the client with element and heartbeat parameters as shown below.


Then I configure the server with element and heartbeat parameters as shown below.


In the segger debug mode, at the server I did not find any heartbeat message received from the client.  

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Dear Toni:

    Sorry for late response.
    After setting the hearbeat subscription for the server with unicast address:0x0098 and publish for client with unicast address: 0x0095,we don't receive the message in the nrf mesh app.
    Then we tried to set the subcribe period to 2h:16 min as below and the server nodes still got no heartbeat response for the client nodes.

    Is it neccessary to add the heartbeat_send() to enable heartbeat function in the light switch client?
    How do we the function heartbeat_send() in the heartbeat.c or any suggestion for us?

    Thanks your help.

    Best Regards,

